Giovanni Toti in front of prosecutors for eight hours, ‘answers all questions’ – News

Giovanni Toti in front of prosecutors for eight hours, ‘answers all questions’ – News
Giovanni Toti in front of prosecutors for eight hours, ‘answers all questions’ – News

A lengthy interrogation, which began at 11 in the morning and ended in the evening and a 17-page memorandum to “explain the political and moral lines which, since I assumed the honor of leading the Liguria Region, have always informed the activity pursued by the Council regional with the sole perspective of serving the good and common interest of Ligurian citizens and their institutions: every euro collected was allocated to politics”, with all expenses traceable at all times.

A barrage of 180 questions prepared by the Genoa prosecutor’s office to which the president of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti was subjected, to which he ‘answered them all’. The governor has been under house arrest since May 7, accused of corruption and forgery.

After having chosen not to respond to the judge for the preliminary investigations in the guarantee interrogation, and not to resort to the review, Toti had insisted through his lawyer Stefano Savi to ask the public prosecutors Federico Manotti and Luca Monteverde to be heard to explain the his reasons.

The brief filed by Toti

And he did so with the memorandum filed with the prosecutors: “In the entire prosecution system, only a very limited part of the relationships between the administration, the President, and the world of work and business is analysed. And this very limited part is made a paradigm for the entire rest. On the contrary, the attitude and animus of the relationships and contexts analyzed should instead be examined and interpreted in light of the generality and multiplicity of relationships over a very long period”. And, Toti underlines, it is only “from a wide-ranging vision, which embraces the entire span of my presidency, that one can appreciate our political vision and fully understand how all my actions (even those contested) have been inspired, certainly from the right attention towards companies operating in the area but with the sole perspective of protecting the collective interest and its progress”. The investigative interrogation took place in the offices of the Naval Operations Department, the Roan of the Financial Police at Molo Giano. The place where, on 7 May 2013, 9 people died due to the collapse of the Pilots’ Tower thrown down from the Jolly Nero. Deputy Vittorio Ranieri Miniati was also present together with prosecutors Manotti and Monteverde. The questions the governor answered concerned the charges charged at the time of the arrest.

To know more Giovanni-Toti-in-front-of-prosecutors-fo ANSA Agency Resist or leave, resignation puzzle for Toti – News – The fate of the Region at a turning point (ANSA)

And therefore the alleged exchange vote, organized with the twins Arturo and Maurizio Testa, “enlisted” to gather consensus among the Riesina community in the Certosa district, in view of the 2020 regional elections. In the end 400 preferences were found. According to the prosecution, jobs were promised in exchange. The head of cabinet Matteo Cozzani is under investigation for exchanging votes with the mafia. And then, the favors to Aldo Spinelli for the renewal of the 30-year concession for the Bulk Terminal and the interest in allocating a part of the public beach of Punta Olmo, in Celle Ligure, for private use for the 42 apartments budgeted by the Spinelli family . Other questions concern the funding received not only from Spinelli and Francesco Moncada (former director of the Esselunga board of directors, also under investigation for corruption), but also from the landfill king Pietro Colucci and other entrepreneurs. Now Toti intends to ask the judge for preliminary investigations to revoke the precautionary measure. A fundamental turning point in this matter, above all because, if the investigating judge were to accept and release him, he will be able to confront his majority and his collaborators and decide whether or not to resign from the office of governor. It will take at least another week to understand whether Toti will be released. These are the “technical” times of justice.

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