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How is Celine Dion? The upcoming documentary

Celine Dion he wanted to speak firsthand, after months of apprehension and concern for her. The singer decided to tell journalist Hoda Kotb of NBC his health conditions which have alarmed millions of fans around the world. Here’s what the international star revealed.

Celine Dion, how she is today: the singer’s health conditions

In the last months, Celine Dion explained to fans that he suffers from ‘stiff person syndrome‘, a rare and progressive condition that affects the nervous system, particularly the brain and spinal cord. The official diagnosis arrived in December 2022 and, for this very reason, she found herself forced to cancel her upcoming “Courage World Tour”. From 25 June the documentary ” will be available on Prime Video (and also on Sky)I’m Celine” where he will tell and show the last difficult years he lived, to show fans his health conditions. Before the documentary arrives on the streaming platform, Celine Dion spoke about herself to journalist Hoda Kotb, revealing that, before being diagnosed with the disease she suffered from, she found herself forced to take large doses of Valium to relax the body, precisely because of the symptoms that characterize the Stiff Person Syndrome. At the time, however, she was not yet aware of suffering from this pathology. And so, to stop these painful spasms, she started taking diazepan (or valium) which, as time went by, however, began to have less and less effect because her body was getting used to the drug. After about twenty minutes, the pain returned forcefully. “I didn’t know, in all sincerity, that it could kill me”, admitted the artist, confessing that he took, for example, around 20 milligrams of Valium before a concert. But the effect vanished as soon as he returned to his dressing room, in the backstage Dion admitted that she came to use up to 90 milligrams per day of Valiuma very high quantity that can even “kill”. Fortunately, thanks to the help of doctors, she managed to free herself from the drugs over time. The documentary “I am Celine” was premiered in New York in recent days and also the singer was present during the screening of the film and thrilled everyone present with a speech, after thanking her neurologist Amanda Piquet who has been following her for a long time. She underlined how she helped her a lot, managing to solve this mystery of hers related to the health condition that she didn’t know how to solve. And he added: “In finding ways to manage and treat my condition, Dr. Piquet achieved a very, very important result for me: she replaced my fear with hope.” After thanking all the people present – ​​as well as the children who are always close to her – Celine Dion reiterated (as in the interview for NBC) that she does her utmost to being able to return to performing on stage, although it might not be like the last few times. And last Monday she added, in tears: “Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for being part of my journey. This film is a love letter to each of you and I hope to see you all again very soon.”

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