Italy 24 Press News

Sassari, assault on Mondialpol vault: shots fired and cars set on fire

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(Adnkronos) – Commando of robbers in action in Sassari, attack on the Mondialpol headquarters. A gang of at least ten criminals went into action in the hamlet of Caniga, on the outskirts of the city. After blocking the surrounding streets, with cars set on fire, they used an excavator to reach the vault. In the meantime the police arrived and the bandits fired several shots. Six months ago the bandits stormed the armored car a few kilometers from Sassari, the loot amounting to 4 million euros. —[email protected] (Web Info)

Editorial board

Lsd stands for Last smart day, or last intelligent day, last hope of an escape from a culture that is now completely standardized, massified, trivialized. The reference to the lysergic acid of our spiritual father, Albert Hofmann, is not accidental, indeed it all starts from there because LSDmagazine presents itself as a cultural cure for minds deviated by television and advertising. In practice, the newspaper directed by Michele Traversa offers itself first and foremost as an enormous container of the expressiveness of anyone who wants to make their opinion heard or mention facts and news outside the canonical means of communication. Lsd focuses its attention on what tickles the interest of its writers, regardless of whether what is written is popular or not, therefore it reflects a free and sincere feeling, absolutely not bound and moved only by the curiosity (or passion) of its collaborators. As a result, there is space for multiple interviews conducted with people of certain importance but who do not find space in television talk shows, reviews of musical groups, records and books not recognized as best sellers, chronicles and reports of minor sports, local facts and initiatives that usually do not have the prominence they deserve. But LSD is also an escape from everyday life, the various reports from the most suggestive places on the planet make our magazine a point of reference for travel readers.

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