Italy 24 Press News

gunshots at eye level and windshields riddled in La Nuova Sardegna

Sassari Bandits ready for anything and with cold blood. There are no doubts about the paramilitary preparation of the commandos who attacked the Mondialpol headquarters in Caniga last night, around 8pm. It is enough to look at the windshield of the first police car to arrive on site to realize the murderous lucidity of the robbers: at least five shots hit the glass of the car. The soldiers inside were saved only thanks to the bulletproof armor of the glass.

The moment in which, contacted by radio by their colleagues, under the fire of automatic rifles, they described the situation was dramatic. Just before the surrounding wall of the Mondialpol headquarters, some bandits held their position with a thick and precise covering fire, aimed at the police station and the guard tower of the surveillance agency. Shots aimed at man’s height leave little doubt about the determination of the bandits, even willing to kill in order to take home the loot, which has not yet been quantified. What is surprising is that even when they see the flashing lights of the police, the criminals maintain a cool head and continue to move at a slow pace: if necessary they shoot, otherwise they threaten passers-by and residents and order them to return home. Slightly different scenes compared to the January 31st assault on the armored car in Siligo, when the attempt by the vigilantes to break through the blockade led to the wounding of one of the bandits, giving rise to a chaotic situation which forced the criminals to flee in a hurry, losing a bag with a million euros inside on the street. But on both occasions, there is little doubt about one fact: the robbers, at least those who participated in the most intense part of the attack, were not novices, but experts, perhaps veterans of the attacks on armored vehicles. Often, in these cases, fire groups are organized by bringing together criminals of different origins, but all sharing experience and unscrupulousness. Fully dressed in black or camouflage suits and balaclavas, backpacks and automatic rifles, it is still difficult to provide a precise estimate of the number of people involved in the operation, but there could be dozens more. Enough to guarantee the functioning of a precise mechanism which, once the signal arrived from the Mondialpol headquarters, unleashed hell on the roads leading from the city to the 131, with burning cars and nails thrown on the asphalt to cover the escape. The traces of the bandits are lost on the 131, although there are those who report intense searches by investigators in the Giave area.

Certainly, in a few minutes the Carabinieri helicopter took off and circled for a long time over the area of ​​the assault and especially over that of Monserrato and via Budapest, where the informers blocked the road to facilitate the escape of the accomplices.

The helicopter also paid great attention to the area of ​​the San Camillo hospital to the north and to that of Tissi, to the south. Elements that could suggest an escape strategy that involved dividing the assault group into various teams, each of which followed a different route to get away. Again, among the investigative elements that could help investigators shed light on the assault, there is undoubtedly the origin of the stolen vehicles used by the commando for the robbery: the heavy vehicle used to transport the bulldozer, the latter, and the cars used to facilitate the escape.

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