False start. Restaurants and hotels await sun and GP

False start. Restaurants and hotels await sun and GP
False start. Restaurants and hotels await sun and GP

Spring and early summer have been disastrous for hoteliers and shopkeepers in Monza, who are hoping for the best, for the sales that begin on Saturday. For now, the more autumnal than summery season encourages people to take out their raincoats from the closet, rather than sandals and sundresses. “For clothing and footwear, it was a terrible start to the season – explains Alessandro Fede Pellone, secretary of ConfcCommercio Monza – with a loss, compared to the same period in previous years, of about 20%. Colleagues hope to be able to make up for it with the sales”.

The season is struggling to take off even for restaurants and hotels, despite the many initiatives of the last few weeks, from the Milano Monza Motor show, to the historical parade, to the evening dedicated to Puccini last Friday, with the pedestrian area on Friday, Saturday and Sunday that continues, which invites you to frequent the clubs of the Monza nightlife and hoping for the musical events scheduled for the summer in the city center and in the neighborhoods. “In the month of June, to encourage tourism – continues Fede Pellone – we focused on many events, for a widespread culture and entertainment project, rather than on the single big event. Now we hope for good weather”. Rain and bad weather have in fact also penalized the tourist influx in the city of Teodolinda and throughout Brianza. “Compared to 2023 – comments Luigi Nardi of the Hotel de la Ville, former president of the Monza Hotel Association – for May and June the results were about 20% lower than last year, either due to the weather or the economic situation. Although it must be remembered that 2023 was in some ways a golden year for tourism, after the years of forced closure due to Covid. You can’t always grow”.

Monza follows the trend of Milan for business tourism and that of the lakes for private visitors. There has been an improvement over time, the promotional campaign carried out in recent years has brought weekend tourism to Monza. “Until 15-20 years ago, the hospitality services of Monza and Brianza – Nardi recalls – lived only for business tourism, reflected by Milan. For about ten years, French and Germans have been arriving in Monza on Saturdays and Sundays, something new for the area, while once we could have even closed on weekends. Of course, people spend wisely: before planning a weekend away, they check the weather forecast”.

Hoteliers are placing their hopes in the months of July and August, but above all they are waiting for the Grand Prix, the main event for the hospitality and catering facilities of Monza. “Formula 1 is contested – Nardi underlines – for the enormous business it brings with it, for transport, hotels and restaurants; there is no comparison, it is the only big event. For this reason I hope that everything goes well and that it continues. There is nothing comparable. Minor events cannot compete”.

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