Italy 24 Press News

The Region confirms its support for Ligurian cultural institutions

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In yesterday’s meeting of the Regional Council, the Liguria Region confirmed its support for the cultural institutions of the territory, allocating 583 thousand euros on the proposal of the interim president Alessandro Piana. Resources destined for Palazzo Ducale (400 thousand euros), the Festival della Scienza (60 thousand euros) and other major cultural institutions of Liguria.

«This is concrete support»explained Alessandro Piana, “in favor of tireless individuals who promote opportunities and operate without profit, contributing to enrich and root the cultural offering in the region. Their work, which the Region helps to support, involves the entire regional territory, articulated between the conservation and care of heritage such as book assets, art collections, funds and archives and the related study and research activities from which ideas and proposals arise for use with different events”.

This means, Piana continued, «encouraging and even better sharing the commitment of these local standard-bearers means preserving a very rich and often little-known heritage, a precious expression of the deepest identity of Liguria. Furthermore, support for Palazzo Ducale means working in the wake of continuity, giving importance to culture as a mirror of the community.”

The distribution of Liguria Region funds for cultural institutions

The lion’s share of this funding goes to Palazzo Ducale, which receives a contribution of 400 thousand euros in the 2024 regional budget, based on the agreement between the Liguria Region, the Municipality of Genoa and Palazzo Ducale Foundation for culture. With these funds, activities that were already part of the regional Foundation for Culture and Entertainment, which acquired the assets of the Wolfson Collection, will be carried forward.

«Palazzo Ducale Foundation for Culture»claims the president Beppe Costa, «over the years it has become an essential point of reference in cultural programming, not only regionally, contributing to the promotion of the territory and civil growth, through the organization of international exhibitions, reviews and festivals with wide participation and engaging initiatives. This is a task that we have been able to carry out thanks to our recognized professionalism, but also to the support of the institutions that have never abandoned us. I thank the Liguria Region for the trust it gives us, like every year, and which gives us further encouragement to guarantee our commitment.”

Another 60 thousand euros allocated to the Science Festival for activities in the regional territory during the 2024 edition.

Who else benefits from this allocation?

Finally, over 123 thousand euros from the 2024 regional budget will go to support a series of cultural institutions on the basis of the consolidated text on culture no. 33 of 2006. The beneficiaries include: the Society of Scientific Readings and Conversations, the Ligurian Society of Homeland History, the International Institute of Ligurian Studies, the Casa America Foundation, the Mario Novaro Foundation, the Actor’s Library Museum, the Society of Scientific Readings and Conversations and the Giovanni Cepellini Academy of Sciences in Lunigiana.

«Cultural institutions play a crucial role in the social and economic fabric of a territory»concludes the interim president of the Liguria Region, Alessandro Piana. «Places not only of heritage conservation, but real catalysts of development and social cohesion because they contribute to the transmission of memory, history and local traditions, keeping the cultural heritage alive and allowing the young generations to know and appreciate the roots of their own community”.


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