Italy 24 Press News

Commission Chairmen Elected, Three Out of Four Are Women

Viterbo – Province – Yesterday the first meeting with the appointments – FdI remains out after the choice not to be part of the majority

by Giuseppe Ferlicca

Viterbo – In the province, the delegations were assigned and the new Pd-FI civic majority was drawn for Tuscia, yesterday also the first meeting for the four commissions that elected their respective presidents.

Viterbo – Provincial Council – De Alexandris, Croci, Delle Monache and De Santis

Francesco Ciarlanti (Azzurri for Tuscia) in first place, Lina Delle Monache (Democrats for Tuscia) in second, Giulia De Santis (Democrats for Tuscia) in third and Maria Rita De Alexandris (Civic List for Tuscia) in fourth. Three out of four women lead the commissions.

A necessary act, that of the appointments, from which the Tuscia tricolor group (Brothers of Italy) was left out, given the decision not to join the majority. Although President Alessandro Romoli has retained some delegations, to manage them personally or perhaps to assign them to representatives of the Brothers of Italy, should the political position change in the coming weeks.

Giuseppe Ferlicca

The commissions

First Council Commission – Institutional, General and Legal Affairs Statute Regulations Technical Assistance to Local Authorities, Implementation of law 56/2014. Balance. Subsidiaries. Legality and Equal Opportunities

President Francesco Ciarlanti

Giulia De Santis – Democratic Tuscia

Luca Giampieri – Tuscia Tricolore

Rita De Alexandris – Civic Pact For Tuscia – Civic List

Francesco Ciarlanti–Azzurri For Tuscia

Second council commission – Environment, land use and planning, soil protection, civil protection, parks and protected areas, community and international policies

President Lina Delle Monache

Lina Delle Monache – Democratic Tuscia

Nello Campana – Tuscia Tricolore

Umberto Di Fusco – Civic Pact for Tuscia – Civic List

Ermanno Nicolai – Azzurri For Tuscia

Third Council Commission – Public Works. Road Transport Heritage

President Giulia De Santis

Giulia De Santis – Democratic Tuscia

Stefano Zacchini – Tricolour Tuscia

Umberto Di Fusco – Civic Pact Perla Tuscia – Civic List

Ermanno Nicolai – Azzurri For Tuscia

Fourth Council Committee – School Building. School Planning. Professional Training. Labor Policies and Employment Services

President Maria Rita De Alexandris

Lina Delle Monache – Democratic Tuscia

Luca Profili – Tuscia Trịcolore

Maria Rita De Alexandris – Civic Pact Perla Tuscia – Civic List

Francesco Ciarlanti – Azzurri For Tuscia

June 29, 2024

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