Italy 24 Press News

Until July 10th in Turin the project 10.7 ANU Capsule Exhibition | Torino Notizie

The exhibition is sponsored by the Union of Italy-Israel Associations and the Jewish Community of Turin and is organized in collaboration with the Camis De Fonseca Association, the Casale Ebraica ETS Foundation and the Acribia Cultural Association. This is a project that examines how Israeli culture reacts to war.

This opportunity was made possible thanks to Enia Zeevi Kupfer, External Relations Officer, and Claudia De Benedetti, ANU Museum Trustee. The exhibition, in its original form at the ANU, featured the works of 25 artists whose creative work reflects the dire times that Israeli society has been facing since October 7. Some of them are living artists, others are deceased, murdered on October 7 or killed in the ongoing war, while others are residents (or former residents) of the southern areas, who have suffered the loss of loved ones, their homes, or whose families have been affected by the horrors of the massacre.

The new installation seeks to frame a current situation and record the unique creative explosion that has been well felt among Israelis since the beginning of the war. The project exhibited in Turin, which may be re-proposed in other cities, consists of the reproduction of about fifteen works selected by Ermanno Tedeschi.

The consequences of the terrible attacks of October 7, 2023 and the war that followed have led many Israelis to “rethink the way we interpret our history, art and culture. The prevailing feeling is that, even after the war is over, things will never be the same again and that anger and deep pain will have an indelible effect on our lives. In moments of joy as in those of sadness, art has always been a way to face reality. Artists react and represent everyday events in a unique way, interpreting and expressing our collective memory.”

The exhibition is not intended to summarize the events or offer a perspective on Israeli art after October 7. It presents a very particular situation and bears witness to the exceptional wave of creativity that Israeli society experienced in response to the outbreak of war.

ANU – The Museum of the Jewish People (Tel Aviv, Israel) is a leading cultural institution committed to providing new generations with the keys to understanding their Jewish identity, strengthening their sense of belonging to the Jewish people, and deepening the connection between Jews in Israel and Jews around the world. As the world’s largest Jewish museum, they are committed to presenting the history of the Jewish people past, present and future, and to serving as a home for all communities in Israel and abroad.

Until July 7, 2024
10.7 ANU Capsule Exhibition
edited by Ermanno Tedeschi
Scientific committee: Carmit Blumensohne, Michal Houminer

Artists on display: Shai Azoulay / Odelia Elhanani / Eyal Assulin / Raz Ben-Ami / Sofie Berzon MacKie / Shira Glezerman / Yosef Joseph Dadoune / Shirel Horovitz / Inbar Heimann z”l / Jonathan Chazor z”l / Ziva Jelin / Miriam Cabessa / Zvika Lachman / Haim Maor / Roee Idan z”l / Oren Fischer / Avishai Platek / Amit Cabessa / Eviatar (Tari) Kipnis z”l / Irit Regev / Nil and Karin Romano / Shirley Shor / Leeor Shtainer / Dina Shenhav / Keren Shpilsher.

Free admission upon reservation.

(June 28, 2024)

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