Italy 24 Press News

Innovation in Veneto, tender worth over 42 million euros

L’Veneto Councillor for Economic Development and Energy Roberto Marcato announces the approval of the Call for funding of research and development projects carried out by Regional Innovative Networks and Industrial Districts. Projects may be submitted between July 2nd and September 10th.

«No Regional Innovative Networks are extraordinary tools for the growth and development of our economic and social fabric in which we have been investing for over a decade now” explains the councilor. “We strongly believe that RIRs are development flywheels as, on the other hand, are the industrial districts, more traditional forms of aggregation that are nevertheless strategic. And the concrete commitment of the Veneto Region in this case takes the form of a new call for tenders of €42,187,500 intended for one potential audience of around 1,300 companies and research organisations that already adhere to the Regional Innovative Networks and an estimated 6,000 companies that are part of the Industrial Districts. We aim for synergies for substantial growth of the territory”.

The call for proposals starts the implementation of the main research action of the entire Veneto FESR 2021-2027 PR (action 1.1.1 -sub A- “Strengthening research and innovation between companies and research organizations”) which has a total financial endowment of 80 million euros, of which 66,250,000 in non-repayable grants and 13,750,000 in subsidized loans.

The allocation for this first call is 31,250,000 euros to be granted as a non-repayable grant and 7,656,250 euros in the form of a zero-interest loan. In addition, an additional 3,281,250.00 euros will be made available by banks at a preferential rate.

«We chose to finance projects with a strong impact in terms of pre-competitive research and developmentcapable of producing significant results for the technological evolution of the economic-productive system of Veneto – specifies Councilor Marcato –. All this in line with the strategic priorities set with the Regional Strategy for Smart Specialization S3 Veneto 2021-2027, the main strategic document in which the research and development priorities are identified with the related challenges in terms of technological innovation».

The projects will have very significant budgets, in the order of several million euros, in particular up to 6 million euros of expenditure if implemented in synergy between several Regional Innovative Networks and Industrial Districts and will have to be completed by April 2027.

«The call promotes a strong collaborative synergy in the topic of applied research, between companies, research organizations and, for the first time for research and development activities, with credit institutions as new actors committed to financially supporting competitiveness of Venetian companies” underlines Roberto Marcato in conclusion.

The announcement, published in the Regional Official Bulletin, will be available with the relevant forms in the “Announcements, Notices and Competitions” section of the website

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