Italy 24 Press News

“School is not a commodity”

TRIESTE – About 80 people gathered today in Piazza Libertà for the public assembly-presidium against the G7 Education, the international summit currently underway in Trieste. The demonstration was organized by the assembly composed of Adesso Trieste, Cobas Scuola Trieste Gorizia, Flc Cgil Trieste, Rifondazione Comunista, Trieste SAc – Sinistra Anticapitalista, with the participation of over 20 associations. Among others, those present included the representative for Cobas Scuola Trieste Davide Zotti, the regional councilor Giulia Massolino and the provincial secretary of the Cgil Massimo Marega.

“Education is not a commodity as the G7 wants to show – Zotti declared -, it seems that it is the economy and the labor market that decide what needs to be done in school. We are for a school free from economic conditioning, where culture is taught, critical thinking is encouraged and you learn to dialogue, not a school that has to prepare you for work”. A job that, for the representative of Cobas Scuola, “especially in Italy is still very much at risk, the school must teach that workers have rights, especially in terms of safety, issues that are not discussed in the G7. Instead, they talk about the requests of companies, which cannot find qualified students and workers, but then do not want to invest in training and health in the workplace and expect that it is the school that wastes time, educating people to flexible and precarious work”.

Among the critical issues of the area, in the public meeting there were complaints about “old, insufficient and poorly maintained buildings” and “overcrowded schools, the famous chicken coop classes, a problem also at a national level”.

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