Italy 24 Press News

Paralympic Athletics, the Italian Absolute Championships start tomorrow in Brescia

Starting tomorrow Saturday 29th June i Italian Para Athletics Championships 2024.
The event, co-organized with the ASD Rosa Running Teamwill host 165 athletes and 18 guides ready to compete for the tricolor titles at Sanpolino Gabre Gabric Sports Field Of Brescia in an intense racing weekend.

At the presentation of the Absolutes which took place in the morning in the Sala dei Giudici of Palazzo Loggia, the Federal President Sandrino Porru underlined the importance of the event for the entire Paralympic sport movement: “I would like to express my gratitude to the municipal administration that hosts these Championships and to the Rosa Running Team that strongly wanted to bring the event to Brescia. This is an event that represents the elite of Paralympic sport and even more so in an important year like that of the Games, being the last opportunity to get a ticket to Paris. This event demonstrates great teamwork by the local organizing committee and the Federation that works every day to broaden the base of sports practitioners to make the latter an opportunity for growth, to get involved and be what you are by breaking down all barriers. Let’s not forget all the traveling companions that allow us to build such important events and the fundamental role of the families, present here for the promotional performances of the children of the Federal Traveling School.
The Absolute Championships will be a huge event and will remind us that in sport we don’t see the disability but the ability of each one, a very important message that paralympism manages to bring, making us understand that the important thing is to support each other to bring together this potential for the common good. I am sure that the two days that await us will be a great testimony to all this.”

Also Gabriele RosaPresident of Rosa Running Team, expresses the centrality of the project: “Brescia has always lent itself to being a laboratory for athletics and I want to give a social value to every event I am involved in, so I am really happy to be able to provide a contribution through my club to bring an event like this to this city. the Paralympic Absolutes. I know that some situations are complex, but our dream is always to work together to stimulate the younger ones through great champions to overcome barriers that seem impossible and lead them to dream. It is very important to motivate the new generations and spread the culture of Paralympic sport in families and schools, with the opportunities for growth and team building that this can offer.”

The Sports Councilor Alexander Cantoni adds: “It is an honor and a pleasure for me to bring the greetings of our municipal office to such an important and prestigious event. These guys are a symbol of perseverance, because in life there can be difficulties but with commitment and enthusiasm you can do great things. Congratulations to Fispes and Rosa Running because to organize such a significant event there must be passionate people who believe in a truly great goal. This event with such a large number of athletes is a great opportunity for our city, whose beauty will be known by hundreds of people, which is an honor and a source of pride. I wish all the athletes to have fun and give their best, taking great satisfaction.”

Thus comments the athlete of the national team and flag bearer of Italy at the last World Championships Davide Bartolo Morana: “Ever since I wore the national team shirt I have lived in a continuous dream, beyond the sporting results it is an extraordinary emotion to represent such a great movement, which makes me even more aware of who I am and what I can do. Sport is not about medals or results, but about society, where we manage to send a message not only to future athletes but to all human beings. In sport there are no barriers and we manage to constantly challenge ourselves, overcoming every limit. For this reason, the mission that the Federation carries out every day helps me in everyday life and gives me hope for the future. I would be lying if I said that the condition of being an amputee is not difficult, it requires willpower and daily effort, all elements that I take from practicing sports. Thanks to Fispes then and to the city of Brescia which welcomes us here and allows us to live our dreams.”

“I have the honor of being here to witness how our company not only provides economic resources but experiences events firsthand by immersing itself in this beautiful reality – points out Alessandro Pellegrinorepresentative of the Official Sponsor of the BBraun Championships – A beautiful friendship has been established between Fispes and BBraun which represents the possible positive coexistence of profit and non-profit. We are a team of passionate people, just as Fispes is a team of passionate people and I believe that this can make the difference, because we will be alongside the athletes in the true sense of the word. Being present at events like these and listening to the success stories of the participants motivates and pushes me more and more, making me more and more grateful for this collaboration.”

Appointment tomorrow at 9.00 for the first racing session of the 2024 Italian Championships.

All competitions will be broadcast live on the channel Federation YouTube

All information relating to the event, participants and results are available to the event page

The Absolute Paralympic Athletics Championships are organized in collaboration with the ASD Rosa Running Team – a historic company and point of reference for the Brescia athletics and running movement – ​​and are made possible thanks to the institutional support of the Italian Paralympic Committee, the patronage of the Lombardy Region, the City of Brescia and the support of the Brescia Mobility Group and the Italian Union of the Blind and Partially Sighted.

The Official Sponsors: BBraun, Stellantis with Autonomy and UniCredit
Technical sponsor: Luanvi
Partners: Pmg Italia, Humantecar, Inail, Superabile Inail

The main sponsors for the event organized with the patronage of the Municipality of Brescia and the Lombardy region are Ori Martin, Mazza, Fly Flot, Tecnocolor, Capuzzi, Menoni Metalli, Ri.Me, Falco and Tiemme (Gruppo Gnutti Cirillo) with the sponsors technicians of the event Fonte Tavina, Sportland, Mico, QCinque, Essse Accademia, Forever, Conad, Centrale del Latte, Contadi Castaldi, Brescia Mobilità, Volunteers for Brescia, Unione Ciechi Brescia and Associazione Un cuore per Franci

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