Italy 24 Press News

EU appointments, the reactions. Pd: ‘Meloni has isolated Italy’

The reactions of the Italian opposition to the government’s result in the European Union top appointments match were decidedly negative. For the Democratic Party, “Meloni has isolated Italy”. The M5S speaks of “Euroflop and defeat”. + Europe: “he dug a chasm”. For Italia viva the prime minister “comes out in pieces”.

Meanwhile the Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani reiterates that “Forza Italia will vote Metsola president of Parliament and von der Leyen of the EU commission. In agreement with the EPP. Very perplexed about the duration of the presidency of the EU Council.”

EU, sealed agreement: green light for nominations. Italy in opposition

by our correspondent Claudio Tito

June 28, 2024

“For the first time, Italy is out of the game of the main European nominations, Meloni has acted as a party leader rather than as Prime Minister. A grave responsibility: she has sacrificed the interests of Italians on the altar of the interests and internal balances of the right-wing extremist groups allied to her. A disastrous result, Italy deserves more”. Thus the Democratic group leader in the European Affairs Committee, Piero De Luca. “As an Italian, I ask Giorgia Meloni: is it true, as some newspapers write, that in the European negotiations she put aside the interests of our country so as not to abandon those of her political party? Is it true that she prefers the extreme to Italy European right?” So the dem deputy takes things up a notch on social media, Lia Quartapelle.

Melons in a dead end: “I couldn’t do anything else”. Salvini: “Coup d’état”

from our correspondent Tommaso Ciriaco, Tommaso Ciriaco

June 28, 2024

“The outcome of the European Council summit is a ‘euroflop’ for Giorgia Meloni that is bad for Italy. Our country has followed Orban’s Hungary, isolating itself from the rest of Europe”. This is what he says Pasquale Tridicohead of the 5 Star Movement delegation to the European Parliament. “I have never seen Meloni so subdued, so dazed, so shocked. She came to report with her eyes downcast about shady deals that were going on behind her back. When one of the perpetrators of the deals was on her right, Tajani.” This is what M5S senator Alessandra Maiorino said on ‘Agorà Estate’ on Rai3. “I have never seen Meloni so subdued, so dazed, so shocked. She came to report with her eyes downcast about shady deals that were going on behind her back. When one of the perpetrators of the deals was on her right, Tajani.” This is what M5S senator Alessandra Maiorino said, Alessandra Maiorino, on ‘Agorà Estate’ on Rai3. “I don’t envy Walter Rizzetto, the role he has today in trying to defend the indefensible and embellish what is to all intents and purposes an anatomy of a defeat”, he concluded.

EU appointments, the Italian seat snatched from France and in Strasbourg it will be a war on numbers

by Alberto D’Argenio

June 28, 2024

“Straight towards an Orbanian future for Italy. With the position she has taken on European nominations, Giorgia Meloni has dug a chasm between Italy and Europe”. The secretary of +Europa wrote this on X, Richard Magi. “Giorgia Meloni emerges in pieces from the European debate on appointments. Confused and unhappy, that’s how she appeared.” So on X David Pharaohgroup leader of Italia Viva in the Chamber.

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