Italy 24 Press News

Differentiated autonomy, CGIL and UIL Roma Lazio: serious mistake

“The CGIL and the UIL of Rome and Lazio will be part of the territorial committees in support of the referendum against differentiated autonomy because they consider it a serious mistake”. Thus begins a joint declaration signed by the general secretaries of the Capitoline CGIL, Natale Di Cola, and the local Uil, Albero Civica.

“Differentiated autonomy will inevitably increase territorial gaps and social inequalities: a real counter-reform that will damage the entire country and will have negative repercussions for the Lazio Region and the Capital”.
“In addition to the reduction of resources available for public and national welfare, including education and healthcare – continues the note – Rome will suffer a further weakening due to the impoverishment of central administrations and will be denied the recognition of the special powers it needs to
to exercise its functions and its role as Capital. For this reason, not only is it It is essential that differentiated autonomy is not implemented in our region but that the president of the Lazio Region, Francesco Rocca, and the mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri, oppose its implementation by the other regions”.

“Our position has nothing ideological about it – the secretaries add – but is based on merit and on concrete concern for the heavy repercussions that will fall on workers, pensioners, young people of all latitudes. The most severe price will be paid by the working classes and the fragile areas of the countrywith negative consequences for social cohesion and for the entire national productive fabric”.

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