Italy 24 Press News

La Repubblica – Palermo, will Brunori stay? There are no offers

“Palermo, Brunori stays? There are no offers”, the headline says The Republic.

Matteo Brunori is staying at Palermo, but not by voluntary choice of the club or the player, but rather due to the lack of a concrete offer that satisfies the economic needs of the club. Despite Brunori’s desire to try Serie A, Palermo has not received adequate proposals. The sporting director, Morgan De Sanctis, reiterated that Brunori is at the center of the project, but the reality is that the captain is not leaving due to a lack of suitable offers.

Break with the Fans

The situation is complicated by the deteriorated relationship with some of the fans. After the elimination against Venezia, Brunori spoke about the pressure of playing in Palermo, statements which were not well received by the fans. This led to a protest banner from the Ultras of the Curva Sud: “You are not worthy of our city, Brunori, leave.” The captain did not respond to this message, but the situation contributed to some tension in the environment.

Market and Training

Brunori will regularly show up for the training camp in Livigno, where the new coach, Alessio Dionisi, will begin working with the team. Dionisi has spoken with Brunori and believes in his abilities, seeing him as an important offensive terminal for a team dedicated to attack. The mutual respect between Dionisi and Brunori could facilitate the player’s permanence and his reintegration into the group, despite the difficulties with some of the fans.


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