Italy 24 Press News

Registry Office at Via Nizza 168 in Turin reopens after 7 years: here are the opening hours

This morning, after seven years, the registry office in via Nizza 168 reopenson the corner with Corso Spezia. This is theone stop shop in the Millefonti districtclosed to the public since June 2017 due to lack of staff. The office will be open five days a weekdal Monday to Thursday from 8.30am to 2.30pm and Fridays from 8.30am to 1.30pm. The inauguration, this morning, will be attended by the mayor Stefano Lo Russo, the councilor for Civic Services Francesco Tresso and the president of the 8th district Massimiliano Miano. This is the third decentralized registry office reopened in the last two years in Turin. In September 2022, the offices were reactivated after a two-year hiatus. Astengo square 7 e via Leoncavallo 17, northern suburbs of Turin. With the one in via Nizza it goes up to thirteen is the number of registry offices opened in Turin (six of which will however be half-serviced in the summer months). Each constituency has at least one office in the area.

The closure of the office in Corso Corsica

One of these thirteen, however, the day before yesterday it closed its doors (temporarily). This is the one in Corsica 55, Lingotto districtThe stop, which will continue until 2025, is dictated by the start of a maxi restyling intervention of the structure, financed with Pnrr funds. «The reopening of the registry office in Via Nizza is a bluff» attacks Alessandro Lupi, opposition councilor in District 8. The Millefonti office was opened by drawing on the Corso Corsica staff. It remains to be seen whether it will remain open next year, after the reactivation of the Lingotto one. «Our goal is to keep both offices open» assures Miano.

Snail identity cards, a queue-cutting software arrives

Paul Varetto

December 15, 2023

City registry data

According to data from the civic palace, in 2023, city registry offices issued approximately 131 thousand electronic identity cards, with an increase of 5% compared to 2022. In the first six months of 2024, however, 63,345 were issued. Over the years, waiting times for an appointment have decreased: from seven months to twenty days. Also thanks to one new online booking platform which in December 2023 replaced the ministerial portal and which opens 400 new slots for reservations every day.

The issue of changes of residence remains: in December 2023 there were 15 thousand still to be disposed of; today there are less than 5 thousand. The backlog of requests should be cleared by the end of the year. There is no shortage of issues to resolve to make the service more widespread: «We would like to improve the offices and act even more on accessibility» explains councilor Tresso.

Digitalization, in fact, has improved the flexibility of the service, but risks leaving behind parts of the population such as the elderly and foreigners. «This is why we are working – says Tresso – on the itinerant registry, with libraries and with neighborhood concierges to improve attention to the most fragile categories».

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