Italy 24 Press News

The Pescara crime. Autopsy Results: Thomas Died of Lung Injury – News

The injuries that caused the death of Christopher Thomas Luciani, the 17-year-old killed last Sunday in the “Baden Powell” park in Pescara, affected both lungs and caused irreversible hemorrhagic shock. This is the first information that leaked out after the autopsy carried out by the medical examiner Christian D’Ovidio, in the presence of his colleague Ildo Polidoro, expert for part of the victim’s family. The number of shots that emerged during the body inspection was confirmed as 25. The boy, according to initial information, died quickly. The autopsy examination, described as long and complex, lasted six hours.

The only real intent was “to cause suffering and death”. It is a passage of the provision with which the investigating judge of the Juvenile Court of L’Aquila validated the arrest of the two 16-year-olds held responsible for the murder of Thomas Christopher Luciani, 17 years old, brutally killed with 25 stab wounds, last Sunday, in the park ‘Baden Powell’ from the center of Pescara, for a debt of 250 euros linked to drug dealing.

For both children, who availed themselves of the right not to respond, the judge ordered custody in a juvenile institution. The circumstantial framework, writes investigating judge Roberto Ferrari, “highlights the harmful impulse, that of causing suffering and killing a human being, as the determining cause of the action”. An atrocious crime for ‘trivial reasons’, a circumstance which is contested against the two minors (not premeditation) and which if confirmed in the trial, considering that life imprisonment is not foreseen for minors, could lead to the application, as per procedure, mitigating factors and alternative measures. “The boy is in shock, absent, cold in his emotions, but I think it is normal, he is a boy who is perhaps realizing that he has done something greater than himself” states, at the end of the validation hearing, the lawyer Marco Di Giulio, who assists one of the two minors. Meanwhile, from the testimonies of the children involved, other details of that afternoon of violence emerge.

To know more ANSA Agency The Pescara crime, the two arrested attacked the dying 17-year-old Thomas – News – Fifteen stab wounds delivered by one, ten by the other. Doubts about the use of drugs by the two, who, once at the seaside, made macabre jokes about how the boy had been reduced to. City in shock (ANSA)

“We didn’t think about calling anyone, neither the police nor the ambulance,” said a young man very close to one of the two sixteen-year-olds arrested. A testimony that confirms how the boys – despite all knowing what had happened – left the park, while Thomas’ body was lying in the brush, to go to the beach “in peace”, where they smoked hashish and took photos. In particular, on the phone of one of the two arrested there is a photo of him on the beach, with his fist on his chest and a proud position.

A selfie after the crime taken at 6:21 PM on Sunday, with Thomas already dead. And from the images of the video surveillance cameras the atrocious day of blood and indifference is returned in frames: at 4:54 PM you see the group in the park, Thomas is there too, Bermuda shorts and a white sweatshirt. Then in the fragment of 5:21 PM you can no longer see him. But you can see one of the two arrested dressed differently: he had time to change before walking away. While the autopsy on Thomas’ body is underway – performed, on behalf of the Juvenile Court, by the coroner Cristian D’Ovidio – the coming and going in front of the park continues of citizens leaving flowers and notes.

A banner reading “Crox lives” was placed at the entrance. A prayer vigil in memory of Thomas is planned for late afternoon, promoted by the Community of Sant’Egidio. The city is still in shock and many are wondering about the causes of the episode and the problem of youth hardship. “I think that the experience of the lockdown – Rosario Sorrentino, neurologist and scientific communicator, told ANSA – was a gigantic incubator that disproportionately reduced various forms of mental distress. With the abuse of social media it further delays the maturation of that part of our brain that should impose a brake, a censorship on certain behaviors, on certain impulses, we witness a sort of sharing of a terrifying plan that would aim to suppress, to make them pay for what has failed. to very questionable rules or codes, thus bordering on tragedy.

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