Italy 24 Press News

Use of the electronic health record, in Abruzzo very low numbers (2%)

Just 18% of Italians used the electronic health record between January and March this year. White coats are inevitably better: in the same period 96% of family doctors and paediatricians of free choice carried out at least one operation on the file. In local health authorities, 74% of qualified medical specialists used it. This is the photograph taken from the monitoring of the use of the electronic health record by professionals and citizens, published by the Ministry of Health and the Department for Digital Transformation.

The data – as reported by the Adnkronos agency – vary greatly depending on the Regions. If in the autonomous province of Trento 64% of citizens have used the FSE and in Emilia Romagna 40%, in many regions the percentage is very low: 2% in Abruzzo, Basilicata, Liguria, Molise, 1% in Calabria, Marche and Sicily. In Lombardy 23% of citizens used the electronic file, in Lazio just 4%. The data at a national level is 3,650,878 Italians who accessed the ESF from January to March 2024, yet the data of 20,853,701 citizens have already been uploaded.

As of March 31, 40% of compatriots expressed consent to the consultation of their clinical documents by doctors and operators of the National Health System. They range from 88% in Emilia Romagna, 86 in Friuli Venezia Giulia and 85% in Veneto to 1% in Abruzzo, Calabria and Campania. In general, 23,042,723 said yes to consulting their data out of a total of 58,255,223 assisted.

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