Italy 24 Press News

Livorno tourism, increasing presences in hotels

The entire Confcommercio Hoteliers Council met at the renovated Hotel Universal in Antignano. The entrepreneurs, encouraged by positive forecasts for the summer season despite the unstable weather conditions, also received excellent feedback from the TV crews of the series with Vanessa Incontrada, in Livorno for filming, from business customers and from the tourist attraction of some events in the city. “In the first six months of the year we recorded between 3% and 5% more attendance. The hospitality sector and its related industries are fundamental for the local economy – commented the president of Confcommercio Livorno Hoteliers, Gianni Vignoli -. Livorno is becoming ‘more visible’ on tourist maps but we still need to work together with the administration to implement the idea of ​​a welcoming and lively city”.

Tourism, hoteliers’ requests for the sector

Three fundamental points were at the center of the discussion, points on which the councilor will soon be asked to meet: the deseasonalization of tourism, waste collection, the fight against illegal construction. The operators underlined the importance of a targeted programming of cultural, sporting and food and wine events to keep tourist interest alive even outside the traditional peaks. The management of the TARI remains a crucial issue: a more efficient and less expensive collection would resolve at least some of the long-standing difficulties of hoteliers in managing taxes. Finally, the Municipality is asked to consolidate initiatives against illegal construction: B&Bs without authorizations which, in addition to representing unfair competition for the correct operators, create damage to tax revenues.

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