Italy 24 Press News

new furnishings and renovation works coming soon

The recent visit of the representatives of the New Carabinieri Union to the 3rd Carabinieri Regiment “Lombardy” in Milan had its effect.
The Regiment Commander, Colonel Giuliano Gerboin acknowledging and sharing the infrastructural and logistical critical issues highlighted by the union representatives and concerning some premises of the Barracks, had undertaken to do everything in his power to provide a rapid and effective solution, aimed at guaranteeing the best conditions of stay and the maximum well-being for the police.

Specifically, there has been news in recent days that new furnishings for various offices in the Department are imminently being delivered, in particular for those of the Security Service and the Transport Team: therefore new wardrobes, chairs and desks.
Furthermore, the same premises are planned to be renovated by painting.
Furthermore, an extractor hood for vapors from irritating – non-toxic – substances is also soon to be installed for the Armory Section, an adjustment which falls within the scope of safety regulations and which will allow workers to operate in a healthier and more efficient working environment. Safe.
For this first signal, the result of a constructive discussion, the union secretariat of NSC Lombardia intends to publicly express its heartfelt thanks to the Commander of the Regiment, on behalf of all members and also of the soldiers not registered with the acronym, who will benefit without distinction from the infrastructural improvements .

The Regional Secretariat of the New Carabinieri Union of Lombardy

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