Puglia towards digital: the network of Transition Managers meets for a smarter future

Puglia towards digital: the network of Transition Managers meets for a smarter future
Puglia towards digital: the network of Transition Managers meets for a smarter future

The Commission met today for the first time Apulian network of Digital Transition Managers (Rtd)an initiative born from the Puglia Region to accompany the territory towards a smarter future.

At the event, organized by theOffice for Digital Transition of the Puglia Region, attended by the president Michael Emilianothe councilor for economic development Alessandro Delli Nutsand numerous Digital Transition leaders from across the region.

Emiliano: «Puglia is the engine of the digital revolution»

«Puglia did not have a tool to coordinate digitalization processes. We created a unique platform to put the Region, Municipalities and all the institutions in communication”, highlighted the governor of Puglia. “Today – he added – we are starting a concrete coordination to achieve the innovations needed to networking institutions and citizens. The Puglia Region is the driving force behind this revolution.”

Delli Noci: «Those responsible for the digital transition are the agents of change»

«The public administration is changing and has identified the RTDs as the agents of change – underlined the councilor Delli Noci -. The Region wanted to build a network of people who share a vision and a strategysupporting them with funds from the Government, the PNRR and the new POR. We will soon publish a call for tenders to create a real digital file for citizens».

Working tables and sharing for a digital future

The day was full of meetings e work tables dedicated to various topics: from the three-year plan to the tools for the municipalities of Puglia, from artificial intelligence to digital sustainability.

“This was a moment of comparison for the Apulian RTDs – he has declared Cosimo Elephantresponsible for the Digital Transition of the Puglia Region -. Together, the Region, agencies, in-house, Municipalities and public administrations, we have digital transition objectives to achieve in the coming years. Synergy in the Rtd network is fundamental: a collaborative path is the key to success».

A step forward for digital Puglia

The meeting represented an important step for Puglia towards a more efficient and accessible digital future.

«Today we have started a sharing path of digital transition in Puglia – has explained Morena Ragoneregional official -. This is the first time that we have brought together the RTDs of the region: a starting point to coordinate our activities and lead Puglia towards even more important goals”.

Per Sara The Bombardresponsible for the information system and web communication of Arti Puglia, today «is a fundamental day. Seeing so many Rtd from Puglia is a source of great satisfaction. As Arti, we have placed the emphasis on digital sustainabilitya strategic element for every Rtd».

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