Italy 24 Press News

Vicenza: Ends up in hospital after molesting a woman

At around 3.10 pm yesterday, a patrol car on duty from the Police Headquarters intervened in Vicenza, in Via Del Carso, where a couple – calling the emergency line 113 – had reported the presence of a man with verbally harassing attitudes towards a woman living in the area, from whom he insistently asked for sexual favors, which she firmly and repeatedly refused.

When the police arrived, the young man, an Italian citizen of Ghanaian origin, around thirty years old, began to rage, starting to struggle for no reason, shouting incoherent phrases.

The intervention of the 118 health workers

It was therefore necessary to contain him while waiting for the arrival of the 118 paramedics called to the scene by the same officers.

When the paramedics arrived, the man was taken to the hospital for tests.

The incident was reported to the Judicial Authority.

* “It is represented that the measure was adopted on the initiative of the proceeding Office and that, in accordance with the principle of the presumption of innocence, the guilt of the person under investigation in relation to the matter will be definitively ascertained only if an irrevocable sentence of conviction or similar forms is issued”.

Press Release of June 28, 2024

Source: Vicenza Police Headquarters – Press Office

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