Italy 24 Press News

Notte Rossa Avis Pistoia, a dive into the 90s and many events

For the twelfth consecutive year, the Avis Pistoia Red Night returns on Thursday 4 July, the event aimed at promoting blood donation and raising awareness on the issues of solidarity and social cohesion.

Starting at 9 pm, widespread events will be held in the historic center of Pistoia, with a dive into the 90s and many other initiatives: meetings, shows, workshops, games for children and many entertainment activities for an audience of all ages.

In Piazza del Duomo the main event Nostalgia ’90, a show to relive a night full of memories and energy. After the huge success of last year, with a square full of people of all ages, Avis Pistoia wants to relive for everyone an exciting evening that will take you back to the 90s with dancers, special effects, animations and a unique setting. Nostalgia 90′ will be preceded by an opening with a DJ set with the Pistoia group “Psycomentrio feat Unta” that will start to warm up the square.

The Notte Rossa programme, organized by Avis Pistoia with the participation of the Municipality of Pistoia, is extensive and is not limited to Piazza del Duomo. Like every year, many streets and squares of the historic center will be involved in a program that includes live music, street dancing, magic shows, aerial dance, theater shows, games for children. The shops in the historic center will remain open and will set up their spaces with balloons and red placemats. The evening, as usually happens, coincides with the first opening evening of the shops in the center after dinner.

The evening’s program, also this year, is very rich with some successful reconfirmations of past years, but also with some new features. Among these, the concert of the Fanfare of the Naval Academy of Livorno, directed by the First Lieutenant, Maestro Impalà, who will perform in Piazza dello Spirito Santo; a theatrical show centered on the life of Don Lorenzo Milani with the Pistoia actor Tommaso De Santis in the rediscovered Piazzetta delle Scuole Normali from where free guided tours will also depart, with mandatory reservation, to the Complex of San Jacopo in Castellare. In Piazzetta Romana a very special puppet show with the Story of Prezzemolina, taken from the Novellaia Pistoiese, by the Florentine Company Pupi di Stac; shows and magic tricks with the Pistoia magician Francesco Micheloni in Piazza della Sapienza; aerial dance shows in front of the church of San Giovanni Fuorcivitas; group dances in the National Gallery, music for all tastes in Piazza della Sala with “Che banda è”, in via Buozzi with “Michele ei Baroni” and trap music with PNG in via Bozzi.

And then, again, group dances with Full Feeling Dancing in the Galleria Nazionale, clowns and itinerant street artists, including Mammolo, who will involve all the children and their families. There will also be space for the promotion of sport in via Cino with game activities with Wolf Basket Pistoia. Unmissable, due to the close relationship that binds them to Avis Pistoia, the 183rd Nembo Paratrooper Regiment which, with its demonstrations will attract adults and children and an information point of the Fire Brigade and the Highway Police to raise awareness on important issues.

On the Globe there will be an Avis information point with volunteers ready to raise awareness and offer all kinds of information on blood donation.

This year’s Notte Rossa is made possible thanks to the support of the Caript Foundation, the Conad Nord Ovest Cooperative and the local Conad members, the Regional Council of Tuscany, Avis Regionale Toscana, Bcc Banca Alta Toscana, Mister Wizard, Toscana Promozione, Confcommercio, GiMetal, Sima Energia, Brandini, Pistoia at home, Elettrotecnica Agostini, Centro Orafo, Meccanica Aps, Azienda Agricola Le Cotte, Azienda Agricola Gelli, Studio 09.

“The Red Night – states Avis president Igli Zannerini – is a fixed, unmissable event in the Pistoia summer, an event that allows us to combine culture, entertainment and solidarity and which is made possible thanks to the fundamental contribution of the Municipality of Pistoia, from all our volunteers and sponsors without whose financial contribution we would not be able to organize this long-awaited event. The objective, as always – continues Zannerini – is noble and is to raise awareness among citizens on the topic of blood donation, especially in a country. moment in which there is generally a great shortage and to make clear, to the many who unfortunately still do not realize, the importance of a small gesture. The Red Night has become a large-scale event, with a complex organization, and is thought and organized all by volunteers and, year after year, which has confirmed itself as one of the liveliest evenings of the Pistoia summer. We therefore take this opportunity to launch an appeal to all those who, in the future, want to help us. All events are free and the evening is non-profit but without financial, but also human, support in terms of workforce, we will not be able to guarantee its realization in the future.”

“It is with pleasure – underlines Benedetta Menichelli, Councilor for Culture – that we support for the twelfth consecutive year the Notte Rossa of Avis Pistoia, an event that not only celebrates solidarity and social cohesion, but above all promotes blood donation, a gesture of great value and altruism. This year, as always, the program is very rich and will involve the entire historic center with activities for adults and children, making this evening one of the most anticipated of the Pistoia summer. We thank Avis Pistoia, all the volunteers and sponsors for their commitment and fundamental contribution, which every year help the association to grow more and more. We invite everyone to participate in large numbers to experience a night of memories, energy and above all solidarity”.

“We are honored to renew our support for Avis Pistoia year after year, supporting not only the event of the 12th edition of the Notte Rossa, but also supporting the activities that the Association, with dedication, selflessness, altruism and professionalism, carries out all year round for the benefit of others – says the president and member of Conad Nord Ovest Roberto Toni -. The Notte Rossa event is a great celebration, but also an initiative of great social responsibility, now a fixed appointment for our city, which represents an added value for the entire community. It is through initiatives like this that we confirm our commitment to being a solid point of reference within the territory in which we operate, thanks to the widespread presence of us Members, to the dedication, sensitivity and ability to interpret people’s needs. Donating blood is a simple but concrete gesture, of irreplaceable value, great generosity and solidarity, but which can make the difference between life and death for many people. We hope that the Red Night can be an opportunity to raise awareness among citizens and tourists about the importance of donating blood, with the hope of finding new donors and demonstrating the great generosity of our city”.

Source: Municipality of Pistoia – Press Office

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