Italy 24 Press News

Here’s what you need to know

Turn on the air conditioning in the car allows drivers to escape, at least momentarily, the heat torrid of these days, but it is not always allowed: in some cases, the car’s air conditioning must remain worn out.

Penalty fines up to 444 euro.

This is what skytg24 says in detail, specifying that, effectively, the highway code speak clearly: And prohibited hold access il motor with the car stationary or parked to operate the‘air conditioning.

No problem enjoying the cold air while you are marchingbut if we stop in a lay-by or even on the roadside, the engine – and therefore also the air conditioner – must be turned off.

To tell the truth, this law it’s not one novelty: the rule was introduced into the highway code in 2007modified in 2010, updated in the amounts of fines in 2014 and ad April 2022.

The reason for the ban is thepollution: it is known that the car engine – especially the older – releases large quantities of Co2and for this reason it must be worn out when you are not driving.

Even at the cost of suffering the heat.

Garlic motorists caught in the act, all that remains is to hope for the comprehension of the police, who however might not take into account the heat of these days and apply the law literally.

A motorist from Como knows this well, who was fined a few years ago for 218 euro by the local police, for having stopped at the edge of the road with engine and air conditioning on to do some phone call.

Today at transgressors it could be even worse, since he cares about the MORE They were rise up from a minimum of 223 to a maximum of 444 euro.

The case is different of the arrest (i.e. of theinterruption of march caused by traffic or traffic lights). Or of the stop (intended as a stop of very short duration, the temporary suspension of movement even in an area where parking is not permitted, for example to allow people to get on or off). In those cases, the air conditioning can remain access.

Per avoid what seems to have become the summer fine it is therefore necessary to remember the following: it is prohibited hold the engine access and the air conditioning worked during the stops prolonged.

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