Italy 24 Press News

Drugs found in a house, young man arrested

Agents of the Police Station Saint Agatha of Militello, in recent weeks, have noticed a frequent coming and going of people from a house located in a district of the municipality of Sant’Agata di Militello. Yesterday afternoon the investigators went into action: after carrying out a house search, with the help of the specialized dog unit, they found approximately 250 grams of narcotic substance of the hashish type, in addition to the material useful for packaging. Of particular importance seems to be the circumstance that one of the so-called “breads” found in the house was still perfectly packaged and vacuum-packed, probably in order to remove it from the nose of the dog units. But despite this, the dog “Ulla” still found all the substance he had.

After the usual checks, the twenty-eight-year-old from Sant’Agata di Militello – already burdened by several precedents of the same kind – was arrested in flagrante delicto for the crime of possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing and placed under house arrest pending the validation hearing. It is specified in any case that, in compliance with the principle of not guilty until a final sentence of conviction, any further checks that may be necessary will be carried out, also in the interest of the arrested person.

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