The Cuneo IGP Red Apple: the “pum rus” that tells the story of our territory

The Cuneo IGP Red Apple: the “pum rus” that tells the story of our territory
The Cuneo IGP Red Apple: the “pum rus” that tells the story of our territory

In the heart of the rolling hills of Cuneo, a fruit grows that well represents the history and traditions of our land: the Cuneo IGP red apple. A gift of nature that, thanks to the commitment, care and passion of Cuneo apple growers, delights the palates of the many consumers who choose it and love it for its goodness.

The history of the Cuneo PGI Red Apple

The history of the Mela Rossa Cuneo PGI dates back a long time – from the eighteenth century – a period in which various academies and agricultural associations were founded in Piedmont that carried out intense varietal research, the dissemination of new cultivars and the development of cultivation techniques based on scientific bases. These activities created the basis for the spread of red-skinned Cuneo apples, particularly appreciated for their brightness and intensity of color, peculiarities linked to the soil and climate characteristics of the Cuneo area. In the 1950s and 1960s, modern Cuneo apple growing was born, with red-skinned apples playing the leading role: the term “Mela Rossa Cuneo” began to become institutional between the 1960s and 1970s, a period in which the first promotional campaigns specifically referred to “Mela Rossa Cuneo” also took place. Thanks to the favorable soil and climate conditions, the production of red apples in the Cuneo area has consolidated over time, and today this apple has become a symbol of our agriculture: thanks to its unmistakable flavor and unique consistency, it has conquered the palate of anyone who has tasted it.

The Cuneo Red Apple becomes a product with Protected Geographical Indication

The PGI recognition for the Cuneo Red Apple was obtained in March 2013, following a long process of valorizing the typicality of the product and protecting local production. This important acronym identifies a European recognition to protect the unique characteristics that link the product to the geographical environment where it is grown: the PGI, in fact, through a rigorous and detailed specification that regulates the production of the 4 varieties of Cuneo Red Apple (Gala, Red Delicious, Braeburn and Fuji), guarantees that they are grown, harvested and processed in compliance with the traditions and specific characteristics linked to the territory, with strict rules regarding the production area, the production and cultivation techniques, and those of refrigerated storage.

For example, the production area of ​​the Mela Rossa Cuneo PGI can only include some municipalities located partly in the province of Cuneo and partly in that of Turin, which are at an altitude between 280 and 650 meters above sea level. Each phase of the production process must be monitored, and there are requirements regarding thinning, pruning, irrigation, harvesting and the harvesting period, as well as the marketing period.

The uniqueness of the Cuneo area that makes “pum rus” a special fruit

What makes the Cuneo PGI Red Apples so unique? An equally unique territory, with a narrow strip of plateau suspended between the Western Alps and the Po Valley, which determines 3 physical-climatic phenomena that give particular aesthetic and taste characteristics to the Cuneo PGI Red Apples:

– The extent of temperature variations in the period preceding harvest.

– The moistening of the skin caused by dew drops that form during the coldest hours of the night.

– The mountain breezes alternate in direction morning and evening.

These three phenomena interact with sunlight in the formation of anthocyanins, the antioxidant pigments responsible for the fabulous colour of the Cuneo PGI Red Apples which, thanks to these particular and favourable climatic conditions, have a unique consistency and crunchiness, a longer shelf life and an extraordinary fullness and brilliance of colour.

PIEMLA is born, the communication and promotion campaign for Piedmontese apples

The promotion of the Mela Rossa Cuneo PGI takes place through various initiatives, both at local and national level. In this context, the important promotional initiative “PIEMLA” of the Piedmont Region (Integrated Education, Marketing and Labeling Program for Quality Apples in Piedmont) fits in, which has the aim of spreading knowledge and appreciation of the Mela Rossa Cuneo PGI on the national and international market, through education, marketing and labeling activities. Among the initiatives promoted by PIEMLA there are advertising campaigns, tasting events, trade fairs and training activities for operators in the sector and consumers.

PIEMLA wants to enhance the characteristics of this delicious product, promoting its quality and territorial origin, because the Mela Rossa Cuneo PGI is exactly this, a journey into the heart of our roots, and setting off on this journey of taste means never forgetting how important it is to protect and enhance the excellent fruits of our lands.


1. Piedmont Region

3. Production Specifications for the Red Apple of Cuneo PGI – Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies

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