Italy 24 Press News

Anti-corruption law blocked in Puglia, brawl in the Council

Sparks between the Democratic Party and the Action group in the General Affairs commission of the Regional Council. The majority, of which Azione is part, rejected the bill signed by the Azione group leader, Ruggiero Mennea, to prevent corruption in public administration and controlled companies. Voting against was the president of the Commission Vincenzo Di Gregorio, the commissioners Filippo Caracciolo and Pier Luigi Lopalco (Pd) and Alessandro Leoci (Con). Grazia Di Bari of the 5 Star Movement abstained and Massimiliano Di Cuia (Forza Italia) and Massimiliano Stellato (Misto) and Renato Perrini (FdI) were in favor. “I note – stated Mennea – that a law that fights corruption is hindered by the government majority. He will publicly ask the reasons for the hostility towards a law approved in other Regions which makes trials more transparent. Having an effective organizational model is a plus in order to guarantee compliance with the principles of legality and ethics to which the Puglia Region claims to aspire”. Caracciolo replied: “This law does not convince us, while underlining the agreement on the issues of transparency and legality. We believe that the Region is already equipped with sufficient tools to guarantee these principles”.

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