Italy 24 Press News

Even the retired financiers arrive to lend a hand to the Varese Prosecutor’s Office

In addition to the retired Carabinieri, Military colleagues from the Finance Police also arrive at the Varese Prosecutor’s Office who have worn the uniform of the Fiamme Gialle for their entire lives and today, having removed the epaulettes, intend to continue serving the State.

And they do it in a delicate sector such as that of the prosecuting judiciary, the Prosecutor’s Office where confidentiality and discretion surround the delicate activities carried out by the administrative offices, first of all the criminal record decimated by retirements and staff gaps. It is here that Antonio Gustapane, chief prosecutor of Varese, intended to “deploy” the financiers on leave. The project which, as mentioned, overlaps with the one activated with the National Association of Carabinieri on Leave, was possible thanks to the synergies activated with theNational Association of Italian Financiers of Varese represented by the president, the adjutant marshal Lorenzo Lippolis. Colonel Fabrizio Rella, commander of the Varese financial police group, was also present at the presentation of the new activity.

The volunteers, all on leave, are the adjutant major marshal Lorenzo Lippolis, the marshal Giacomo Scelba and the brigadier Easter Gargiulo which will be available to the judicial offices on the basis of the specific agreement.

At the end of the meeting the Attorney General Antonio Gustapane expressed to Colonel Fabrizio Rella and President Lippolis «a deep satisfaction for the contribution that the three members of the National Association of Italian Financiers of Varese will be able to give to the Prosecutor’s Office of Varese and above all this comes in the context of the celebrations for the 250th anniversary of the foundation of the Guardia di Finanza, an occasion to remember the competence and dedication with which the Fiamme gialla operate in synergy with the other police forces and with the various local institutions; I am deeply grateful to the National Association of Italian Financiers, for the assistance provided to the Prosecutor’s Office of Varese, through the voluntary work offered by the three members on leave, so as to give a contribution to the correct and timely performance of the activities of the Prosecutor’s Office».

To date, the volunteers working in the Prosecutor’s Office are three financial police officers, five carabinieri and another former member of the force who will take up service starting in September, a group of “fundamental” volunteers to keep open some strategic offices such as the criminal record office and the office for receiving documents. However, 15 employees are missing in the administrative sector on the top floor of the courthouse out of the 37 foreseen in the staffing plan. And here the resources put in place represent a breath of fresh air even for ordinary work.

The Varese model, which integrates the assistance of selected volunteer personnel to the regular staff, is a snapshot of the shortcomings that the justice sector suffers at a national level, and in a patchy manner. For this reason, the choice of Dr. Antonio Gustapane to reactivate a protocol in place since 2017, first with the Carabinieri on leave and then with the military of the Fiamme gialla represents one of the possible ways to overcome the staff shortage, a model that can be replicated elsewhere. The news of the interest of other Prosecutor’s Offices in Italy in the solution adopted by the Prosecutor’s Office of the pre-Alpine capital has just come out.

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