Italy 24 Press News

New edition of regional emissions inventory published — Arpae Emilia-Romagna

L’latest version of the regional inventory of emissions into the atmosphere is available at the link.

L’regional inventory of emissions It is implemented with the help of the system INEMAR ( which allows you to estimate, down to municipal detail, the emissions of various pollutants by emitting activities (e.g.: heating, traffic, agriculture and industry) and by type of fuel, according to the international classification adopted as part of the EMEP-Corinair inventories.

The 2021 update is still partly affected by the effects of the restrictions due to the pandemic, therefore it is not entirely possible to draw information on any ongoing trends from this update.

In relation to the methodologies employed, it should be underlined that only macro-sector 7 (road traffic) has undergone significant variations, such as to influence the comparability with previous compilations.

The analysis of mass flows emitted in the year 2021 returns the following results:

  • direct dust pollution: the greatest contribution is due to biomass domestic heating (MS2) and road transport (MS7), followed by production activities (MS4, MS3); for PM10, the predominant contribution of woody biomass combustion activities (55%), of diesel-powered means of transport, as well as wear of brakes and tires and abrasion of the road surface produced by all means of transport (19% )
  • nitrogen oxides (NOx)precursors of particulate matter and ozone formation: the main source is road transport (MS7) for 46%, followed by other mobile sources (MS8), combustion in industry (MS3), heating (MS2) and power generation (MS1)
  • ammonia (NH3)a precursor compound of secondary particulate matter: it derives almost entirely (97%) from agricultural and livestock practices (MS10)
  • non-methane volatile organic compounds VOCnm, precursors, together with nitrogen oxides, secondary particulate matter and ozone: the main anthropogenic production is due to the use of solvents in the industrial and civil sector (MS6); the production of biogenic VOCs from agricultural species and vegetation is significant (MS10 and MS11)
  • sulfur dioxide (SO2)an important precursor to the formation of secondary particulate matter, even at low concentrations: mainly produced by combustion in industry (MS3) and production processes (MS4)
  • carbon monoxide (CO): the main sources are domestic combustion (MS2) for 44% and road transport (MS7) for 38%.

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