Italy 24 Press News

Fedriga, in Fvg debate on strategic issues for the future of humanity

Councillor Rosolen underlined the centrality of identities in the construction of new spaces for dialogue Trieste, 28 June – “The future of future generations depends…

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Councillor Rosolen underlined the centrality of identities in the construction of new spaces for dialogue Trieste, 28 June – “The future of future generations depends on the choices we will be able to adopt at an international level, I am thinking first and foremost of those aimed at governing the processes that are radically changing the world of production and work as we have known it in recent decades. The challenge of technological innovation cannot in fact be reduced to an ideological debate on artificial intelligence, but must instead develop responses capable of combining ethical, economic and social aspects in a sustainable and long-term perspective. It is not enough to have technology and infrastructure: we need to invest in training, the true keystone for increasing the greatest asset of every society, that constituted by human capital. Precisely for these reasons, I believe that the Trieste summit represents one of the most strategically relevant moments, in this year of the Italian Presidency, for the work of the Group of Seven”. It is with these words that the governor of Friuli Venezia Giulia Massimiliano Fedriga wanted to greet the arrival of the G7 ministers in Piazza Unità d’Italia, who met this morning in the Palazzo della Regione in the Julian capital for the summit on Education. “Occasions such as the G7 Education also offer the opportunity to reflect not only on humanity, which must remain the ultimate goal of our individual and collective action, but also – according to Fedriga – on the very idea of ​​the world we want to build. If economic and cultural exchanges accelerate integration processes and reduce distances, no less important appear to be the recognition, protection and valorization of territorial identities in their dual function of social glue and bridge through which to strengthen dialogue and mutual understanding. These latter aspects therefore make Friuli Venezia Giulia, and the city of Trieste in particular, the ideal place to host the ministerial meeting”. In addition to the presence of the heads of the ministries of the 7 member countries and the European Commissioner for Education, the forum will see the participation of the leaders of the African Union, representatives of the main international organizations competent in the field (OECD, UNESCO, UNICEF) as well as the Ministers of Education of Ukraine and Brazil, for a total of 17 Heads of Delegation and over 100 participants. Two themes will be explored: the valorization of talents, aimed at promoting the acquisition of skills also through the personalization of learning paths, and the reduction of the gap between supply and demand in the labor market, with the expectation of strengthening the educational and occupational mobility of young people with specialized skills. Objectives, those on the table of the ministers, which, according to the regional councilor for Education Alessia Rosolen, “cannot ignore a broad vision on the international level, but at the same time respectful of the cultural specificities of the individual territories”. “In this sense, Friuli Venezia Giulia wants to be a paradigm of a new vision of school – according to Rosolen – capable of leveraging identities, transforming them into a passport for relations with the rest of the world and an open window onto new spaces of mobility”. ARC/DFD/ma/al


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