Rome, animal rights: Marco Lodola’s digital work arrives – UrloWeb

Rome, animal rights: Marco Lodola’s digital work arrives – UrloWeb
Rome, animal rights: Marco Lodola’s digital work arrives – UrloWeb

ROMA – Yesterday evening in Campo de’ Fiori the digital work “Animalia” by Mark Lodolalocated on the corner with Via dei Baullari. The Mayor was present at the initiative Roberto Gualtieri and the Guarantor for the protection and welfare of animals of Rome Capital, Patricia Prestipino. “A beautiful installation in support of the campaign for animal rights followed by our Guarantor, Patrizia Prestipino, whom I thank for her commitment. It is truly a positive sign that an important artist wanted to donate this evocative work to the city, because we in Rome, also through the language of art, want to seriously commit ourselves to promoting a culture of respect for animals” explained the Mayor Roberto Gualtieri.


“A big thank you to Marco Lodola, one of the greatest Italian artists of the new futurism, for having wanted to donate to Rome a work dedicated to animals. A beautiful gift for the city. It is the first Roman work in which the “culture of respect” towards animals is represented. I want to thank Mayor Gualtieri for being with us on this important and significant occasion, as a testimony to the change of pace of Rome, also in terms of animal rights” commented Patricia Prestipino.



Marco Lodola is an Italian artist and exponent of the new futurism, who combines visual art with literature, music, cinema and design, with his luminous sculptures, plexiglass statues illuminated internally with light tubes, which will characterize all his artistic production. The one inaugurated in Campo de’ Fiori is an interactive work placed on the facade of a private building under renovation that will remain on display until the end of the construction site and then find a new location for the entire Jubilee. housingthe company that takes care of the facade covering during the renovations, financed the project and the installation.

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