Italy 24 Press News


On Tuesday 2 July, starting from 9.30 am, a conference-seminar entitled “Climate change: causes, effects, solutions” will take place in the De Pasquale room. The event is organized by the Municipality of Latina and has the patronage of the order of architects and the order of engineers of the province as well as of the Circeo national park. Speakers will include the mayor Matilde Celentano, the deputy mayor and councilor for public works Massimiliano Carnevale, the director of the Circeo National Park Stefano Donati as well as national experts and representatives of other Italian municipalities.

“Climate change – states the first citizen – represents one of the most urgent and complex challenges of our time. The consequences of global warming, rising seas, extreme precipitation and ever-increasing temperatures are already evident and affect us all. It is essential to fully understand the causes of these phenomena in order to develop effective strategies that mitigate their effects and to adopt sustainable solutions that guarantee a better future for generations to come.”

During the day, the actions taken by the Municipality of Latina in this regard will be illustrated and it will also be an opportunity to listen to the testimonies of other entities participating in the conference.

“The Municipality of Latina – says Councilor Carnevale – has obtained funding from the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security of 736 thousand euros, through which works are underway to depave Piazzale dei Mercanti. Part of the funds are used, instead, in an environmental education project that will be presented during the conference and that, starting next school year, will include the training of school staff and students”.

The seminar is open to the public and free of charge and, for members of the Order of Architects and the Order of Engineers, it will also be worth training qualifications. The press is invited to participate.

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