Italy 24 Press News

Costacurta: “Milan, Lukaku in a downward phase. I would play Camarda”

Alessandro Costacurta, ex Milan, commented on ‘Sky Sport’ the possible arrival of Romelu Lukaku. Bringing Francesco Camarda into play

Alessandro ‘Billy’ Costacurtaformer defender of Milan and of Italian National Teamtoday a commentator for ‘Sky Sport‘, spoke about the possible arrival at the Rossoneri of Romelu Lukaku. She did it inside the show’Transfer Market – The Original‘ aired last night.

“Lukaku? I’m not a big fan anymore”

“My wound? I’m not a big fan anymore – explained Costacurta -. I hope that he can eventually play instead of Lukaku Francis Camarda“. The former AC Milan player, therefore, would prefer to launch a regular starter in First team the promising class 2008 instead of seeing ‘Big Rom‘wear the Devil’s shirt.

“I think Lukaku is in a downward phase”

“It’s clear that Camarda can’t measure up at the moment, though I think Lukaku is in a downward phase and if the Belgian has to play the first 4-5 games, then I would like Camarda to play the other 33 games”, commented Costacurta on the topic. READ ALSO: AC Milan Transfer Market – Moncada ready to take the star of the European Championship >>>


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