6 million euros from the Calabria Region

6 million euros from the Calabria Region
6 million euros from the Calabria Region

Princi “Six million euros to enhance the skills of our graduates and facilitate their entry into the world of work”

“With 6 million euros we are financing professionalizing post-graduate masters, intended for young Calabrian graduates, we aim to enhance the skills of our graduates and facilitate their entry into the world of work. Thanks to this measure, the training offer of university masters guaranteed by the Universities will have the opportunity to find an indirect financing channel and greater stability in the proposition of post-graduate content”.

Post-graduate Master’s Notice: 6 million euros from the Calabria Region

This was stated by the vice president of the Calabria Regional Council, Giusi Princi, during the presentation to the press of the notice for the financing of first and second level master’s degrees.

The Notice, promoted by the Department of Education, Training and Equal Opportunities, on the instructions of the Vice President, provides for an investment of 2 million for each academic year of the next three years (2024/2025 – 2025/2026 – 2026/2027).

“Each voucher, issued for attending the master’s degree, can have a maximum value of 10 thousand euros. To this amount – specified the vice president Princi – will be added, for candidates with particular requirements of merit and income, an additional scholarship of 6,656.52 euros to cover the costs of food, accommodation and travel. The beneficiaries will be selected through a public procedure that will take into account rigorous criteria, including employability deriving from the master’s degree, coherence with the local production system and the merit of the candidate.

Among the qualifying elements of the notice, among other things, is the establishment of an open catalogue of companies, institutions, public and private entities with a branch in Calabria, available to host internships beneficiaries of post-graduate training courses; the reward for masters with a higher degree of employability (Placement); the synergy between training courses and the local job market; transparency in the evaluation criteria; knowledge of the outcome of the selection before enrolling in the master’s course”.

Vice President Princi concluded with the words of Nelson Mandela: “Education is the most powerful weapon that can be used to change the world”. “And we – she added – also through this measure want to contribute to giving impetus to the growth of Calabria through the human capital of our brightest young people”.

The meeting with the press was also attended by the general director of the Education department, Maria Francesca Gatto, and the sector manager Menotti Lucchetta, who went into detail about the characteristics of the voucher master notice which falls within Policy Objective 4, Action 4 and 2.

The voucher – they specified – can be requested to cover the costs of enrollment for first and second level post-graduate master’s degrees carried out in Italy and abroad, provided by Italian and foreign universities, public and private, recognized by the national system; for recognized AFAM (Higher Artistic and Musical Education) institutions; for post-graduate master’s degrees accredited by Asfor (Association for Management Training) or Equis (European Quality Improvement System) or Aacsb (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), provided by public and private advanced training institutes.

Eligible training courses are those delivered in person or in a mixed (blended) mode with a maximum percentage of 20% of online training, master’s degrees not yet started at the date of submission of the application.

Those who possess the following requirements on the date of submission may apply: they have been resident in Calabria for at least six months from the date of submission of the application, they possess one of the following qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree, Specialist/Master’s Degree.

For scholarships to cover travel, food and accommodation expenses, it is necessary to have an ISEE income lower than 10,490.00 euros and a degree grade of at least 104/110.

Present were the Rector of the Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Giovanni Cuda, the Pro-Rectors Francesca Fatta, of the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria, and Francesco Scarcello of the Unical of Cosenza, and a delegation of students involved in academic bodies.

For the representatives of the Calabrian Universities “this Notice represents an opportunity for excellent and quality training to be spent on the regional territory; a broad training that allows one to face the world of work with masters and doctorates strongly linked to the impact on the territory, to ensure that those who study in Calabria can also stay to work there and contribute to the development of their own region”.

The notice can be consulted at the following link: https://calabriaeuropa.regione.calabria.it/finanziamento-di-voucher-per-master-di-ie-ii-livello-opportunita-per-i-laureati-calabresi/

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