immediate comparison required –

As we learn from the official press release, the Confconsumers of Altamura, expresses its disappointment towards the Municipal Administration for the failure to convene and the lack of discussion regarding the definition of Local Taxes, in particular the TARI for 2024. The association underlines the importance of a constructive dialogue between citizens, associations and institutions, highlighting the crucial role of the mandatory consultations required by law. Confconsumatori urges the establishment of a memorandum of understanding and specific evaluation and comparison procedures, warning that, in the absence of concrete responses, it will activate all the necessary legal procedures to guarantee transparency and legitimacy in municipal resolutions.

Below we publish the full press release of the Board of Directors of Confconsumatori of Altamura.

Confconsumatori of Altamura expresses its bitterness towards the Municipal Administration of Altamura regarding the failure to convene and the absence of discussion regarding the definition of the general and detailed framework of Local Taxes especially for that, of particular relevance, such as the TARI for the year 2024.

Once again, the continued underestimation of associations, such as Confconsumatori, which play an important role in the relationship between citizens-users and the Municipal Administration through positive and proactive participatory relations, is considered unacceptable. Unfortunately, it has been found with regret that only a postponement of the last Municipal Council has prevented the umpteenth “formal amnesia” from materialising regarding compliance with the mandatory consultation procedures of Consumer Associations regarding issues, such as TARI, which affect thousands of families in Altamura and which confirm the perplexities and total disinterest in the debate. Topics that have already been hoped for and also formalised several times in official meetings and which, to date, have not yet had any concrete feedback.

Confconsumatori of Altamura, in confirming once again its collaborative spirit towards Public Institutions at all levels, calls for a radical change of pace on the part of the Municipal Administration and the respect of the roles and interests supported for some time now, to be formalized first of all with the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Consumer Associations and the Municipality of Altamura, in application of art. 2, paragraph 461 of law 244/2007.

It is also requested that specific protocols for evaluations, comparisons and collaboration be established at all levels, including procedures relating to the mandatory nature and discussion of individual service charters and their actual application.

It remains clear and evident that, in the absence of feedback from the Municipal Administration of Altamura aimed at taking charge of these procedural as well as substantial gaps as a matter of urgency, Confconsumatori will activate all procedures permitted by law in order to highlight, if necessary, the illegitimacy of resolutions, managerial acts, contracts, etc., which do not comply with the obligations of consultation and transparency.

Confconsumatori of Altamura therefore asks to immediately activate a round table of consultation and discussion that brings back into the fold of total legality all the services currently in existence that have not been supported by specific actions of control and evaluation by the Consumer Associations recognized at Ministerial level. All citizens are invited to support the action proposed by Confconsumatori that wants to be an element of positive comparison, through dialogue and consultation, to respond to the needs of all social and productive components.

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