Italy 24 Press News

PD Basilicata: Postpone the competition tests for regional managers until after the summer

Democratic Councillors’ Appeal to Postpone Competition Exams

The regional councilors of the PD, Cifarelli, Marrese and Lacorazza, ask for the postponement of the tests of the competition for managers of the Basilicata Region, scheduled for mid-summer.

The regional councilors of the Democratic Party Roberto Cifarelli, Piero Lacorazza and Piero Marrese join the appeal of Fp CGIL, CISL Fp and UIL Fpl to postpone the competitive tests relating to the public competition for qualifications and exams, aimed at the recruitment of 18 managers of the Region Basilicata. The trade union organizations had asked President Bardi to postpone the tests until after the summer, underlining that calling the participants in the middle of the summer with only 15 days’ notice represents excessive force.

According to the Democratic Councilors, the acceleration given to the competition, announced in 2022 and stopped for two years, appears suspicious in this phase of political vacuum, caused by the absence of a regional government. They recognize the need to strengthen the regional administrative machine, especially after years of exoduses due to retirement, but believe that the current timing penalizes the participants, in particular the officials already employed by the Region or other public bodies, who must reconcile work with exam preparation.

The Councilors emphasize that this choice could limit participation, reducing the competitiveness and quality of candidates. Furthermore, they highlight the importance of having more efficient and effective offices, especially for the management of the funds of the new programming, and see the competition as an opportunity to properly enhance internal staff.

They then reiterate the unions’ request to move the competitive exams to the return after the summer holidays, finally posing a rhetorical question: cui prodest? The answer could come with the outcome of the tests.

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