Italy 24 Press News

No inclusion check, risks going to sleep in the car

“Do I have to be evicted and end up living in a car, so that they realize that I need that inclusion allowance to survive?”. This is the cry for help of a 58-year-old woman from Latina, who has had the benefit that guaranteed her the possibility of having a roof over her head interrupted and who now, in the absence of help, she doesn’t know how to move forward.
Giovanna (fictitious name) hasn’t worked for about five years, despite her constant search. “I’ve had different jobs in my life,” she tells us, “today I’m unemployed. I have children, who have their own autonomy and their own family, I don’t want to and can’t depend on them.”

Giovanna’s drama, which is the same as many others, began when social workers stopped paying her the inclusion allowance. “I used to receive the Citizen’s Income – she explains – then I applied for the inclusion allowance, which INPS accepted. After two months, however, it was stopped because, the social workers say, I do not meet the requirements”. Specifically, Giovanna does not fall into the so-called protected category, because she currently has a house, in which she lives on rent. “I rented a house in Latina, but in a very peripheral area, because otherwise I could not afford the rent even with the allowance (she pays 350 euros a month, ed.). I’m afraid of ending up living in a car”. A case that is repeated, therefore, which sees indigent people whose requirements do not seem to be sufficient to obtain aid from the State.

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