Italy 24 Press News

Gianfranco Setzu’s solo show at the Exma in Cagliari

Seeds, old and new works mixed

staff of Gianfranco Setzu

Exma Municipal Art and Culture Centre from June 30th to July 17th

Gianfranco Setzu’s solo exhibition at Exma in Cagliari

Fourth appointment in the Sala della Torretta of the Exma in Cagliari with the cycle of personal exhibitions organized by Orientare srl and dedicated to Sardinian artists. Sunday 30 June opens to the public Seeds, old and new works mixed which will exhibit the works of Gianfranco Setzu until July 17th.

Design and art, the real and the ideal, meet and confront each other in the images created by designer Gianfranco Setzu for the Exma exhibition, which offers different types of objects – paper, prints, fabrics – in a journey that presents, in an ironic and fragmented way, a cross-section of the author’s twenty-year production: from 2007 with “Andy”, a project that paid homage to the artist on the twentieth anniversary of his death, to 2022 with “Muggine e Passero”, paper and vinyl inspired by the territory of origin.

Colorful and rich in pop elements, new and old objects are found in the room, combined in a new way and free from the search for meaning at all costs: the value of the collection lies in the possibility of continually renewing and reworking it.

Seeds evokes the agricultural world and refers to the cyclical nature of regeneration: the image can inspire ever new visions, in a playful creative loop.


An integral part of the itinerary is the non-catalogue, on sale at the Exma ticket office, created specifically for the exhibition, intended as a real call to action: an invitation to color and rework the images, to be an active part of the project.

Gianfranco Setzu works in the field of visual research, as a designer and artistic director. Continuous research into visual languages ​​leads the creative to create ever-changing images, capable of integrating practicality and imagination into everyday objects, in a continuous exchange between art and design.

Innovation and experimentation characterize the designer’s many creative projects, for example: Soft Stories. Every cushion has a story to tell (2018), created with the designer Monica Casu for the “Fuori salon” in Milan; Mammaroma (2021): in collaboration with Lanificio Leo.

The exhibition can be visited from Tuesday to Sunday from 9am to 1pm and from 4pm to 8pm. Tickets 6 euros full/3 euros reduced also allow access to the exhibition Images in Time which tells the story of Exma, born as a public slaughterhouse transformed then in the first municipal art center of the city of Cagliari.

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