Italy 24 Press News

“Ape da noi – Put an evening in the Castle”, party and dinner until midnight

OfNicole Orlando

This evening at 6pm in Castello music and food from the European cities twinned with Brescia

Typical local products mixed with new flavours that come from different corners of Europe and, to top it all off, a dose of art, nature and history: Cidneo is once again the protagonist of the summer and this evening will host “Bee at our place – Put an evening in the Castle”, an event divided into various initiatives.
Organized by the Municipality with the Brescia Musei Foundation, the Museum of Natural Sciences, Brescia nel Piatto and We Love Castello, the project won the OgniGiorno InLombardia tender, promoted by the Region to support tourist events and initiatives and attractions in Lombardy locations, and is part of the of the Festival of flavors. An event which, the organizers explain, “intends to enhance an iconic moment of the Italian lifestyle, the aperitif, through a variety of experiences for all tastes”.

And the protagonists – from the aperitif to after dinner – will not only be the typical products of Brescia but also those of the twinned cities: in fact, the cities of Darmstadt, Logroño, Bethlehem, Troyes and Kaunas will also be present with a delegation (Lithuanian city with which the twinning will be made official shortly). Four initiatives are therefore proposed for the evening, starting with the market exhibition of the producers of East Lombardy that will be set up in the locomotive area where it will be possible to participate in the “Taste Workshops” curated by the Slow Food Terreacque Bresciane convivium.

The initiative “ moves between taste and historyCurious picnic”, scheduled for 6:00 p.m.: participants will be provided with baskets with products from the Brescia area or from twinned cities. The picnic will be followed by an itinerary to discover the natural and historical beauties of the Castle area, with themed guided tours organized by local organizations (Brescia Speleological Association, Brescia Botanical Association, LIPU Brescia, Brescia Naturalistic Studies Center, Brescia Astrophiles Union). After the aperitif, “The Twins dinner” will be held (at 8:30 p.m.), a dinner set up in the spaces of the Middle Tower of the Castle. The menu will be dedicated to both the valorization of local flavors and the discovery of products from the twinned cities. The jazz of the Bombetta swing band will provide accompaniment.
Last stop of the long evening, at 10.30pm, “A cocktail night with Tom Collins”, the after dinner event which will be held in the Fossa Visconti. Here the protagonist of the web series “Have you seen Tom Collins?” will talk about cocktails and their history, accompanied by the screening of short films and DJ sets.

The event will therefore offer the opportunity to get to know and experience the Castle from new perspectives: during the evening it will also be possible to access the Pusterla vineyard, which will be exceptionally open to the public. The Luigi Marzoli Museum of Arms and the Leonessa d’ItaIia Museum of the Risorgimento will also be open for free from 6pm to 9pm.

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