Italy 24 Press News

Heat wave arriving in Italy this weekend with temperatures of 40°C

After a recent wave of bad weather, the sun is returning and temperatures will rise, with a variation of up to 15 degrees in some areas


An extreme heat wave is about to hit the entire Italian peninsula. Starting this weekend, temperatures are expected to reach 34 degrees Celsius in the northern regions, around 35 degrees in the central areas and 40 degrees in the South. Rain will not arrive in abundance in the South even next week, when instead scattered phenomena and a drop in temperatures will return to the Center-North: this long phase, which began in March, will therefore continue, with Atlantic flows in the North and disturbed variability, African heat in the South, intermediate conditions in the Center.

After a recent bout of bad weather, the sun is returning and temperatures will soar, with a variation of up to 15 degrees in some areas. The maximum peak, 42 ​​degrees, is expected in Sicily.

However, the African heat of the weekend will soon give way to a new wave of bad weather and thunderstorms in the north of the country. “We have increased the hours of availability, from 8am to 8pm seven days a week for low complexity codes in the emergency rooms. Furthermore, we guarantee the availability of continuity of care units even at night and on holidays”, said Ciro Verdoliva , Executive Director of the Naples Health Authority

Toll-free numbers will also be available for the elderly to ask for assistance and advice. Even small precautions can make the difference between enjoying a peaceful summer day and suffering from heat stroke.

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