Italy 24 Press News

“Safeguarding employment and entrepreneurial continuity”

The meeting between the regional councilor for Economic Development Alessio Piana, the regional councilor for Labor and Relations with Trade Unions Augusto Sartori and a union delegation from Flai Cgil, Fai Cisl and Uila Uil representing the 134 workers of Tossini, a historic company that interrupted its production activity following the fire that occurred at the Avegno plant last June 2, took place yesterday at the Filse offices in the Liguria Region.

During the conversation, councilors Piana and Sartori confirmed their attention and willingness to accompany, through specific regional tools active or in the process of being activated, the company in the investments necessary to restore the operation of the damaged plant or to identify a new production center; just as, in terms of salary continuity, the possibility for workers to access the regional guarantee fund to advance the extraordinary or exceptional redundancy fund was highlighted. “As the Liguria Region we will make use of any tool in our possession to support the company and to help the 134 employees who were temporarily out of work due to the fire on 2 June – said Sartori – a very concrete hypothesis is the use of the Fund of regional guarantee which, through a subsidized loan from Bper bank with guarantee from Filse, will serve to advance the redundancy fund pending disbursement by INPS. We are also optimistic about the fact that industrial production activity can restart in a new location: Tossini is a flagship of the area, an over one hundred year old excellence that deserves to continue its growth”.

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