Italy 24 Press News

regional tender in favor of photovoltaics

From 1 July 2024 the Friuli Venezia-Giulia region will open a regional announcement for the support of businesses in the installation of photovoltaic systems.

The fund that will be made available will be equivalent to 5 million and it will be possible to submit a request until September 30, 2024. The allocation of resources will take place following over-the-counter evaluation procedure.

Beneficiaries of the tender

The call is aimed at micro, small, medium and large enterprises in the manufacturing sectorhaving registered office or local unit in Friuli.

The main requirements for participation in the call are:

  • the ownership or availability of the property
  • the obligation to install the modules exclusively on the roofs of the same
  • the interventions can have a maximum duration of 15 months, extendable for a further 6 months
  • Location in protected areas or sites of the Natura 2000 network is prohibited

Expenses subject to relief

  • Expenses for the supply and installation of new factory photovoltaic systemsincluding works, equipment and hardware and software components strictly necessary for the construction and monitoring of the systems, within the limit of €1,400/kWp
  • The supply and installation of brand new storage systemswithin the limit of €1,000/kWh
  • I costs of complementary services strictly connected to the implementation of the interventions such as, for example, the design, testing and costs for connection to the electricity grid

Non expenses aimed at producing energy in excess of the company’s annual energy needs will be eligible for the benefit.

Incentive measure

The incentive varies according to the nominal power of the system:

  • For rated power systems up to 1,000 kWp the incentive payable will be 50% for micro and small businesses, 40% for medium ones and 30% for large ones
  • For nominal power systems between 1,000 and 3,000 kWp the benefit will be equal to 20%
  • For systems included between 3,000 and 5,000 kWp the percentage will drop to 10%

Il minimum limit of eligible expenditure will be 20 thousand euros while the contribution massimo The amount that can be granted to each company will be 500 thousand euros.

Contributions may be paid in advance up to 70% of the amount granted.

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