Italy 24 Press News

Tpl Linea Savona future of local public transport

Shareholders’ meeting approves budget and new logo

Tpl Linea Savona

– The 2023 Financial Statement, which closes with a profit of approximately 53 thousand euros, was approved by the shareholders’ meeting of Tpl Linea, with a significant improvement compared to 2022.

The details that influenced the formation of the operating result: in addition to the revenue from sector funds and refreshments, within the revenue components the main item is made up of the fee attributed to the company for the local public road transport service, equal to at 14.981 million euros.

Ticketing revenue recorded an increase of approximately 970 thousand euros compared to 2022, however the company has not yet returned to the pre-Covid levels of 2019.

With regards to verification activities, also in consideration of the negative effects of the pandemic on ticketing, the Savona transport company has decided to intensify the presence of personnel employed in checks on buses and at stops. Compared to the previous financial year, a total of approximately 1200 additional hours of verification were carried out, with an increase in the number of sanctions issued of 3000 units.

The turnover of the school bus sector increased by approximately 223 thousand euros, thanks to the awarding of new school services in the municipalities of Savona.

Operating costs decreased by 1.13% thanks to an attenuation of the inflationary pressure and the crisis in the raw materials market, generated by the Russian/Ukrainian war, even if the values ​​recorded are still far from the pre-conflict numbers.

The predominant item is represented by internal staff spending, which remains substantially aligned with that of 2022.

Another significant cost item, with an incidence of 15%, is the net expenditure on transport fuel, which however decreased overall, compared to 2022, by 380 thousand euros.

Finally, it should be noted that in the first months of 2024, the cost of fuel is maintaining the trend of the previous financial year, with prices still high and far from the pre-pandemic and/or pre-conflict ones.

2023 sees an increase in invested capital of 19%, mainly attributable to investments in electric buses and related charging stations that Tpl Linea has managed to finance with its own resources, awaiting public contributions to cover the expenses incurred, the deferred collection is expected in the coming months.

The financial position highlights the balance and solidity of the Savona transport company.


During 2023, Tpl Linea made the following investments in its rolling stock:

  • 9 12-meter electric buses and related charging stations with a total value of 4.261 million euros, covered by contributions to the system account (resources from the national plan for complementary investments to the PNRR – Ministerial Decree no. 315 of 2 August 2021) for 4.2 million euros;
  • 5 9-metre electric buses and related charging stations with a total value of €2.085 million, covered by contributions towards facilities (resources for the years 2021-2023 of the national strategic plan for sustainable mobility – Prime Ministerial Decree of 17/04/2019 and no. 81 of 14/02/2020) for 1.88 million euros.
  • 1 18-meter diesel bus with a total value of 379 thousand euros, covered entirely by contributions to the plant account (resources for the years 2019-2020 national strategic plan for sustainable mobility – prime ministerial decree of 17/04/2019 and no. 81 of 14/02/2020);
  • 3 8-metre diesel buses with a total value of approximately 464 thousand euros, covered with plant contributions (resources for the years 2019-2020 national strategic plan for sustainable mobility – Prime Ministerial Decree of 17/04/2019 and no. 81 of 14/ 02/2020) for 431 thousand euros.

The awarding of the school bus service to some member institutions also made it necessary to procure new vehicles to be used for this service, which resulted in the purchase of:

  • 3 new diesel school buses.
  • 5 used diesel school buses.

All vehicles assigned to the school bus service are self-financing.

During the financial year, work also began on the construction of the EV-bus charging systems in the Savona and Cisano sul Neva depots, which are scheduled for completion in summer 2024, for an amount of 35 thousand euros (self-financed) and 434 thousand euros (covered in part with resources from the Psnms infrastructure part, 2024-2033 period).

On the economic-financial document for 2023, satisfaction was expressed by the president of Tpl Linea Vincenzo French: “The Board of Directors immediately set in motion the objective of increasingly bringing the company forces to express their skills, which are certainly present and have room for growth, raising awareness of operational coordination: our staff represents an essential asset for the future of the sector”.

“This then allowed us to overcome some emergencies and thanks to progressive work steps we traced an initial path for the Company” adds the president of Tpl Linea.

On the merits, Franceri highlighted how “subsequently the arrival of the new CEO pushed and consolidated the first part of the activities carried out by the Board of Directors, increasing the projects and accelerating the company’s activity in the various sectors, with the contribution of his experience and expertise: coherence of analysis and planning on the goals to be achieved were values ​​that accompanied this first four-month period of work together”.

Finally, the strong and clear message launched during the members’ meeting: “It is necessary to strengthen Tpl Linea and the role of local public transport in the Savona area, which must represent a solution to mobility in our provincial territory, doing things and improving quality of the service. A direction that is not only conceptual, but which must translate into facts and quality of service for our users, as is right for a public interest company”.

Staff and training (data)

During the presentation of the Balance Sheet and the company’s prospects, the numbers on Tpl Linea’s staff and on the training activities organized by the Savona transport company were also highlighted.

Average company workforce 2023

Total: 411 people (42 employees and 369 travelling personnel and workshop workers). Specifically: 371 men (21 employees and 350 travelling personnel and workshop workers) and 40 women (22 employees and 18 travelling personnel)

Training hours year 2023

Total: 3,624 hours, of which 1,521 for increased professionalism, 822 for workplace safety, 1,281 for organizational model, privacy, anti-corruption and quality and environmental management system.

Fight against tax evasion – Socrates philosophy

An extraordinary plan for checks on bus stops and line buses was launched at the beginning of the summer season, thanks to the strengthening of dedicated personnel: the task force deployed by Tpl Linea includes nine teams of checks on the territory and there are eight new hires with personnel assigned to checks trained and qualified for the activities planned on the provincial territory.

“With the start of summer, a period in which data on tax evasion is intensifying, we have developed a structured plan to guarantee adequate coverage of checks by our staff” specifies Tpl Linea director Giampaolo Rossi.

“We have increased the number of employees who will be present on the bus lines and stops and who will also have new equipment to carry out checks better and safely”.

“The commitment to the problem of tax evasion is also attention, respect and sensitivity towards the paying customer” Rossi finally clarifies.

New logo

The path of Tpl traced during the shareholders’ meeting also led to the presentation of the new company logo, which marks a step towards renewal and sustainable mobility.

The symbolic shape chosen is that of two semi-ellipses which suggest the idea of ​​dynamism and aerodynamics. The visual impact indicates a propensity for the future, in the name of innovation, growth and improvement.

“The new logo is linked to the embrace and hospitality, and the green color to environmental sustainability; our Tpl must continue the path aimed at always improving the service towards customers” concludes Rossi.

G. D.

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