Marziale thanks Morrone for revoking Don Perrello’s appointment

Marziale thanks Morrone for revoking Don Perrello’s appointment
Marziale thanks Morrone for revoking Don Perrello’s appointment

“I sincerely thank the Archbishop of Reggio Calabria, Fortunato Morrone, for having decided to revoke the appointment of the priest Carmelo Perrello as parish administrator of Santa Maria del Buon Consiglio di Concessa di Reggio Calabria”.

This is what the sociologist Antonio MarzialeGuarantor for childhood and adolescence of the Calabria Region, who in response to reports received and questioned by the newspaper il had expressed his disappointment, because the priest in question appears to be prescribed for crimes of child abuse.

“Paedophilia is a minefield for society and above all it has caused the Vatican considerable problems – highlights the Ensures – pushing Pope Francis to declare that a priest who molests children cannot continue to be a priest and that the zero tolerance process is to be considered irreversible. The appointment, now revoked, could not therefore go unnoticed. This is not an absolved priest, but a prescribed one and the same prelate from Reggio, in the statement of two days ago, had noted how it was necessary to have him followed by a psychotherapist and two confreres”.

“As a Guarantor – adds Marziale – I could not help but listen to the requests I received, because the parish remains a juvenile aggregation center under my territorial jurisdiction in terms of the safety of children and adolescents. And, sincerely, knowing pedophilia very closely, including its psychological implications, I could not have said I was calm, like those who intended to contact me”.

“Today’s determination by Archbishop Morrone reconciles the action of the local church with the papal pronouncement and therefore – concludes the Guarantor – is to be welcomed with the certainty that all together, lay and religious institutions, are committed on the same front to protect the little ones”.


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