Italy 24 Press News

In July city council in Teramo on the agreement for the Bonolis stadium – News

At the end of the conference of group leaders, held in the council chamber in the early afternoon today, the president of the municipal council of Teramo, Alberto Melarangelo, declared the following: “Even though we had to briefly suspend the session due to having recorded attitudes that were not in keeping with the institution represented, for the moment, three municipal councils have been set”.

“Two ordinary and one related to questions, on July 3, 9 and 15 and at least one more is expected within the month. In these sessions, numerous topics will be addressed, in addition to that of the surrogates of the councilors who replace the new assessors, mandatory to recover the plenum of the council assembly and other very important for the citizens, including the relegation of building land, which determines a lower cost for taxpayers; in the next council, the PEF of the TARI will be approved, which provides for a different taxation for waste. Furthermore, it was communicated that, once the documents have been completed, the settlement agreement relating to the Bonolis stadium will also be discussed.”

And again: “The council for questions that was not held in the month of June, as per the monthly regulation, will be made up for in the month of August”.

It will not be July 3, with a call already sent and an agenda on the stadium that does not exist, it remains to be seen whether it will be July 9. By July 12, Città di Teramo will have to indicate a facility for the purposes of registration in Serie D and could produce the declaration of availability of another facility, except to then change it.

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