Italy 24 Press News

“Open your mind to the future”, the University of Siena campaign

Open your mind to the future: this is the message that the University of Siena has chosen to promote the enrollment campaign for the academic year 2024-2025, which starts at the end of June (go to the article on enrollments).

Looking into the eyes of the girls and boys who are making autonomous and conscious decisions about their own lives for the first time but who, bombarded with contrasting messages, are wondering whether the university path is really the best choice, the University of Siena addresses them with an exhortation, which is also an invitation, not to let themselves be influenced and to turn with energy and enthusiasm towards the future.

A future to be built, as equals, together with the entire community of teachers and researchers who gather around the university, ready to welcome and support students on their journey.

Siena, in fact, is a university that, in recent years, has worked hard to update its teaching offering and improve the services dedicated to students. An effort that occurred in close synergy with a city that is not only one of the most fascinating and culturally rich university cities in our country, but a true campus city that guarantees its students a very high quality of life.

«In a world in which, more and more often, ignorance builds walls – explains the rector of the University of Siena Roberto Di Pietra presenting the campaign Open your mind to the future – we have chosen to open doors. It is for this reason that we wanted to send a strong message to encourage girls and boys to think big and not limit their ambitions. What we are living in is an era of great changes which, to be faced, require lively and sharp minds. Minds that at the University of Siena we are certain we can welcome and prepare, faithful to the constitutional mandate of the institution we serve.”

The first summer months will be an opportunity to involve students in the last orientation events before the start of the academic year.

On July 9th, starting at 5:00 p.m., you can follow a live orientation on the university’s Instagram and Facebook channels, curated by expert student tutors who will be available for any questions: what you study, how to access the courses, what financial benefits you can request, what to do in your free time in Siena, and much more. A short presentation will be followed by questions from the participants in the live broadcast.

On July 11th, from 5:00 p.m. in the Palazzo del Rettorato, there will be an aperitif (In Swing) with tutors, an informal orientation event to which young people, but also parents and families are invited. Free admission.

From August 28 to 31, the Summer Orientation School will begin in Siena, a four-day event aimed at young people who have attended the fourth or fifth year of a higher education institute in this school year. The orientation activities will be held both in the morning and in the afternoon, for about 6 hours a day, at the University of Siena. There will be lessons, visits to laboratories, libraries and various places of the University. In addition, trips to the city are planned to discover its artistic and cultural heritage, as well as afternoon and evening events to have fun and socialize.

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