Italy 24 Press News

On the field for defense: first stop of 2024 in Trentino

The event “In campo per la difesa” will take place on July 25, 2024 at the Coba Melinda headquarters in Denno, in the province of Trento. Sign up to participate in the event

July 25, 2024 | 9.30am – 4.00pm

In its third edition, it returns “On the field for defense” demonstration organized by Edagricole e Asnacodi to support agricultural entrepreneurs in risk management.

The first stage of the event will be held on July 25th at the headquarters of the Bassa Anaunia Fruit and Vegetable Consortium (Try) one of the cooperatives that belongs to Melinda place. Pos. 7 a Dailyin the province of Trento.

An overview of all the “weapons” available today to agricultural entrepreneurs to fight against adverse weather conditions, plant diseases, parasitic infestations and market crises. A day in the orchard during which we will talk about subsidized policies
and mutual funds but also of multifunctional roofing networks, fans, anti-frost irrigation systems, agrometeorological control units, DSS, varieties and rootstocks. All essential tools for designing and building a risk management strategy capable of protecting the efforts that agricultural entrepreneurs make every day to defend their crops, bring them to the market and guarantee an adequate income.


Ore 10.00-13.00 GUIDED TOUR in the orchard on:
• genetics
• decision support technologies
• precision irrigation
• multifunctional coverage networks
• antifreeze systems
• big fans
• fires/stoves

1.00 pm LUNCH

2.00pm-4.00pm CONFERENCE
Risk management between research and new challenges: technical aspects, experiences, scenarios
• Institutional greetings
• Agronomic and economic insights into Trentino fruit growing
• Research at the service of risk management
• The role of defense consortia
• Farmers’ experiences

Participation is free.


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