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Cagliari Market | Outputs and ideas, the situation department by department

The first move of the red and blue domino is expected for Saturday 29 June, when Dossena will undergo medical examinations with the As before signing the contract that will tie him to the Larians until 2028. Then for the Cagliariafter the weekend, here are the next two tiles: David Nicholas will officially become the new coach, Luperto the centre-back in place of the former Avellino player.

A market that started quietly as often happens, not only for Cagliari but for the entire Serie A. The exception in the case of the rossoblù is that of the coach, the last team still with an empty bench together with Empoli. A question of details, because Nicola has now been unofficially the new coach of Cagliari for at least a week, while Roberto D’Aversa will take his place in Tuscany. However, the next rossoblù coach has already been working for days on the squad of the future with the sporting director Nereo Bonato, starting as said by one of his men in blue, that Luperto who fills the space left free by Dossena. In a defense that will still be led by Scuffet, while for the second goalkeeper we await first the probability of Radunovic leaving between cadetteria (more likely) or Serbia. No feedback on the Como full-back Semper, an idea that belongs to the past, that is, before Scuffet was taken from Cluj a year ago. Just as there has been no contact with Fiorentina for the young central Lucchesi, last season on loan at Ternana. Waiting to understand if Panathinaikos will sink the blow for Hatzidiakos for a onerous loan with right of redemption, there could also be outgoings Azzi e True. For the first one, proposals are expected from Serie B, for the second one there are various enquiries always from the cadet league for a new loan after the return from the one in Catanzaro. Similar speech on the opposite side, with one between Di Pardo and Zappa who could say goodbye to Sardinia – more the first than the second – while for the incoming one the name of remains more than alive luck of Atalanta. High attention to the situation Minanow involved in the America’s Cup but with Cruzeiro always vigilant and the 2 million clause valid until August 10th representing a possible way out.

In the middle of the field the issue is at the forefront Violawith Cagliari’s offer to renew for another season stuck three weeks ago, before the Calabrian number 10 left for the holidays. Having returned to Sardinia in the last few hours after moving to Pisa to create possible future scenarios under the Torre, Viola awaits Cagliari but with several options for a move to Serie B at figures close to his current salary and with a possible two-year contract. Pisa, led by his former coach and friend Pippo Inzaghi, is the favourite club. Also under the heading of exits, PAOK Salonicco are interested in Razvan Marin, a topic which, however, will necessarily have to wait for the end of Romania’s path to Euro 2024. Just as Atalanta’s interest in Makoumbou is on stand-by and frozen, while Prati, Sulemana and Deiola should be strong points. Kourfalidis and Delpupo will be evaluated in training camp, with the Greek aiming for confirmation while the Argentine could make a move on loan to Serie B after the year in Serie C in Pontedera. Possible farewell for Jankto, a return to the Czech Republic the most viable option, while for Mancosu the natural expiry of the contract in 72 hours is practically certain. Upon entry, the Vandeputte idea of ​​Catanzaro was practically killed in the bud, while for the possible return of Gaetano from Napoli we will have to wait first for the evaluations of Antonio Conte in retirement and then the choice of the player, also requested by Fiorentina and Fabio Pecchia, his old coach in Cremona, for Parma.

Small and the others
The offensive department will see a sort of total revolution. Both Petagna and Shomurodov said goodbye after the failed redemption, as did Oristanio, who Cagliari does not seem willing to return to for a new agreement with Inter. We will start again as a basis from the renewals of Pavoletti and Mutandwa, in addition to the confirmation of Luvumbo, with the awareness of necessarily having to intervene to add new pieces. Also because the idea is to also give up Lapadula for whom concrete proposals are expected from Serie B. So there are currently four objectives on the notebook of sporting director Nereo Bonato. Without one necessarily excluding the other. Starting from Piccoli, a center forward owned by Atalanta returning from the loan from Lecce. Contrary to what has been reported by the radio market in the last few hours, no acceleration for the striker from Bergamo who, however, remains a concrete objective and at the top of the priorities. The second is Nzola from Fiorentina, even more so after the Viola closed the purchase of Kean from Juventus. The Angolan striker, however, between various expected proposals and high salary and evaluation, is a complex objective. More feasible is Felici from Feralpisalò, a young man who would be part of the department’s modernization policy and who has demonstrated significant margins for growth despite the relegation to Serie C with the Lombards. Yverdon’s Spaniard Kevin Carlos is also young and has room for growth. He is the last name in chronological order on the wish list. As reported in the last few hours, the contact between Cagliari and the Swiss club has been confirmed, with the entourage of the former Huesca class of 2001, top scorer of the last Swiss Super League and for whom Yverdon is asking for 1.5 million, still to be carried forward EUR. Competition from Servette, Young Boys and some German teams must be overcome. However, an attempt for Inter’s Pio Esposito, born in 2005, should be ruled out, an idea from the first hour that has become increasingly colder with the passing of the weeks. Just as the two young Uruguayans Rossi and Duarte remained among those observed without any step, not even an interlocutory one, a hypothesis to be discarded at the moment. Upon leaving, he will look for a definitive solution for Pereiro – whose contract expires in 12 months – while Prelec could be evaluated in retirement, even if his permanence is hanging by a thread, with the possibility of the Slovenian’s inclusion as a technical counterpart in a negotiation.

Matthew Zizola

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