Italy 24 Press News

a visual journey into the identity of Pesaro

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06/27/2024 – Macula – Cultura Fotografica is pleased to present the project “Autobiography of a city | Neighborhood identities”, developed to enter into the realities of the 13 neighborhoods of Pesaro and give them the opportunity to unite in a choral narrative which, going beyond traditions, tells the unique and lesser-known identity of the city.

“13/Quarti” is the title of the first preliminary parenthesis, created in the form of a visual window by the students of the ISIA institute in Urbino and hosted by the Spazio Sora in via Rossini from Saturday 29 June to Sunday 28 July. This will constitute a preview of the central heart of the entire project, namely the creation of a feature film that Macula will present to the city next autumn. Both events are organized with the contribution of the Municipality of Pesaro / Department of Innovation and Participation and the neighbourhoods, with the patronage of Pesaro 2024 – Italian Capital of Culture and in collaboration with ISIA Urbino. Starting from 6.30 pm on Saturday 29 June, the “13/Quarti” visual window will be visible to the public, every day 24 hours a day, at the Spazio Sora (via Rossini 35).

The project was born from the spontaneous and cohesive response of all the neighborhoods to the “District/Municipal Capital of Culture in the City of Pesaro” tender promoted by the Municipality of Pesaro: rather than concentrating the emphasis on just one of the thirteen urban areas, as indicated by the tender , the unanimous decision of all parties was to join forces to tell and enhance the city fabric in its entirety and uniqueness.

Harmonizing perfectly within the thematic framework “nature of culture” of Pesaro 2024 – Italian Capital of Culture, “Autobiography of a city | The identities of the neighbourhoods” was conceived with the aim of combining the already consolidated cultural and environmental resources with the exaltation of the “hidden treasures” that the city has to offer both to the gaze of those who visit it for the first time and to those , despite having always lived it, now has the opportunity to rediscover it.

The essence of the project consists of the choice of the identity subject of each neighborhood: with enthusiasm and involvement, over the months the representatives and communities of each neighborhood decided whether to focus on an “unknown place”, a “place of rebirth” , a “sonic element” or a “neighborhood story”, where each choice would represent a definition for one’s community and a commitment towards the construction of a mosaic rich in facets.

The collection of images, words and audiovisual content created by the Quartieri constituted the pool from which to draw to give life to a new generative research, which Macula will return to the city in the form of a feature film next autumn in the historic Astra Cinema hall. The students of the ISIA institute in Urbino also had access to the same materials, who from these initial ideas developed “13/Quarti”, a narrative in images for each neighborhood through the neutral and autograph gaze of those who establish a dialogue with the contours of an unexplored city.

Each place was therefore carefully analysed, evaluating its historical, artistic and social relevance: from the human fabric to the morphology of the buildings, the aim was to identify suggestive scenarios that would contribute to the different narratives. In a mix of interdependent and original perspectives, impressions and mutual influences chase each other, capable of outlining a new and imagined Pesaro, while still strongly anchored to the roots and testimonies of its neighbourhoods.

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