Italy 24 Press News

Blood, boom in young Tuscan Avis donors in the province of Arezzo

Boom in young Avis donors in the province of Arezzo: among the new under 25 members, during 2023, 3 out of 10 donated. Donations are growing compared to 2022 (+ 3%) and the territory is the second in the region for the increase in plasma deliveries (+ approximately 15% compared to the previous year).

He says it the latest report drawn up by Avis Regionale Toscana, in relation to the year 2023. The data were published during the 53rd assembly of the Association.

In 2023, total donations in the province of Arezzo were 16,450, up 3% compared to 2022, when they were 15,972. Of the 10,605 total donor members, the age group that proportionally brought the greatest contribution was between 46 and 55 years (approximately 30%), followed by the 56/65 year segment (approximately 21%). The response in terms of generational turnover was excellent: among the new members, as highlighted, three out of ten under 25s chose to become donors during 2023.

The good news, however, does not end here because, in the meantime, the province of Arezzo is the second in Tuscany (after Siena) for the increase in apheresis plasma donations (approximately + 15%), while whole blood donations are essentially stable. The Avis organization is widespread: in the province there are in fact 5 Avis Zonale offices which, in addition to the capital, refer to the Casentino, the Valtiberina, the Arezzo Valdichiana and the Arezzo Valdarno.

“It is – is the comment of the president of regional Avis, Claudia Firenze – of encouraging numbers from many points of view, since they testify to the dynamics of a fundamental generational change underway and because they confirm that the path of raising awareness of the culture of giving, for every age group, is the right one. However, we know that we cannot stop for a moment: in 2024 we must consolidate the goals achieved.”

Similar satisfaction is expressed by A.Antonio Guida and Adelmo Agnolucci, presidents respectively of Avis Comunale and Avis Zonale of Arezzo: “Certain results do not happen by chance and the city of Arezzo certainly leads both in terms of number of donations and activities implemented, also from a communication point of view. A dutiful thanks goes to all the presidents of the Avis of the province who, even in the smallest and most peripheral municipalities, do everything to promote blood and plasma donation”.

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