Italy 24 Press News

«Water and my land», on display in Treviso by artists from Belluno and Treviso

The “Mario Morales” Artistic Club of Belluno and the Treviso Artists Association of Treviso announce the exhibition entitled «Water and my land, artists of Belluno and Treviso», which will be held from 3 to 19 July at the Foyer del Sant ‘Artemio, in via Cal di Breda 116, in Treviso. The vernissage is scheduled for Wednesday 3 July at 3pm. The exhibition will be open to the public on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8am to 5pm, and on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 8am to 1.30pm. The exhibition, only in the part concerning the Morales Club, will then be brought to the municipal headquarters of Silea from 2 July to 5 August.

«I am pleased to dedicate a greeting on the occasion of the art exhibition “Water and my land”» declared Stefano Marcon, president of the Province of Treviso. «This exhibition highlights the values ​​that unite the two provinces, in a creative union that is inspired by the natural landscapes, from the mountains to the plains, the industriousness of the people, the sense of community, the memories and traditions that have developed over the centuries they are perpetrated between generations and today they flourish in new projects and progress”. Marcon expressed gratitude towards the two organizing associations.

Francesca Lauria Pinter, president of the “Mario Morales” Artistic Club, recalled the origins of the Club, founded by Mario Morales on 7 December 1972 as an apolitical association based on cooperation between professionals and amateurs, and on the refusal of any protagonism, in the name of culture in its broadest meaning. «In 2002, the year of his passing, the club was named after him. This collective exhibition, the 130th since 2002, for which we warmly thank the Province of Treviso and prof. Oliviero Pillon presents the interpretation of the relationship between man and water in the forms of figurative, abstract, informal expressions of sculpture and ceramics driven by sensations, feelings and thoughts that can be read in the various stylistic figures”.

Oliviero Pillon, president of the Treviso Artists Association APS, underlined the historical and cultural link of the association with the city of Treviso, dating back to 1955 with the establishment of the first association of the same name by Giuseppe Mazzotti and Giovanni Comisso. «The Treviso Artists Association, which has also become a “social promotion” association, continues to promote and spread the interest, knowledge and practice of art. It is the same commitment that we share with the friends of the Circolo Artistico “M. Morales” of Belluno”.

The participating Belluno artists are Graziano Baster, Tiziano Battiston, Bianca Biesuz, Paola Bona (in memory), Barbara Brancher, Silvano Brancher, Vico Calabrò, Sara Casal, William Casanova (sculptor), Marta Case, Gilberto Casellato, Walter Comiotto, Luisa D ‘Alberto Case, Renata De Battista, Giuliana De Nadai, Anna Fiamoi, Renate Fuerst, Patrizia Giannini, Francesca Lauria Pinter, Rhut Maldonado Tinoco, Paola Piol, Michela Pizzol Giacomini, Clara Quirico, Lidia Reffo, Evelina Reolon, Silvia Reolon, Luisella Salce , Venecia Simoes, Tiziana Sommacal, Paolo Tesser, Andrea Toffoli, M. Giovanna Trombetta Turrini, Gabriella Ulliana. The participating artists from Treviso are Annalisa Ambrogio, Silvano Bonazza, Fabio Cattarin, Emanuela Ceccon, Odilla Crema, Teresa Fabris, Angela Florian, Maria Chiara Gasparetto, Renato Gianolla, Vera Guiardilli, Ennia Gobbo, Chiara Marangon, Dino Martignon, Antonio Massari, Dante Mazzon , Paolo Pustetto, Adriano Ruzzene, Fiorenza Vincenzi, Arianna Zanette, Paolo Zanin.

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